Going out?

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Over the weekend I got to know Anna a bit more. She was quite interesting to talk to. I may not have realized it but the people around did. Apparently by what they were saying I was spending the whole entire day just talking to Anna. But I didn't care to say the least. Then Anna texted me for who knows what.
In text
Anna- Hey Ethan I was just wondering if you wanted to go to brunch tomorrow.
Ethan- Yeah sounds nice I'll see you then.
I got to the arena and went to my locker room to get ready for my match against Abyss.
Time skip to match
Justin Roberts- This match is scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 350 pounds Abyss

Justin Roberts- And his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrators POV
Right out of the gate Abyss tried to end the match with a quick

Ethan kicked out at two though. Abyss grabbed Bourne by the face and lifted him up to his feet. With Ethan up The Monster hit a massive

(Edge = Abyss Dolph= Ethan)
Again Abyss went into the cover. But as Aubrey was starting to count Abyss picked Ethan up off the canvas and hit a

Abyss went to grab Janice but Edwards stopped him but The Monster just tossed her aside sending her head first into the turnbuckle. Abyss grabbed Janice but Bourne started to slowly get to his feet. When Abyss got back in the ring Ethan hit him with a low blow and a

(Crack the dome Alexabliss18 it connects if you know you know)
Aubrey got back up as Ethan hit a

(Knee of Glory)
Abyss though somehow kicked out at one. So Ethan went to the corner called Abyss up to his feet and hit a

Again somehow Abyss kicked out at two. Ethan looked at Aubrey to get conformation that it was indeed a one count. Abyss rose up like a zombie rising up from the dead.
The match was the two minute warning. Both men were absolutely exhausted. Ethan had kicked out of two black hole slams, a shock treatment, and a shot from Janice to the head. On the other hand Abyss had kicked out of two shining wizards, a claymore, two blackouts, a Philly special and a saving grace all in the span of 20 minutes. Ethan caught Abyss with a

Ethan locked in the

Aubrey was checking to see if Abyss was gonna tap but he was determined not to tap. Eventually he got to the ropes causing a break. Abyss crawled to the corner. Ethan hit a

Followed by a combination of a

And a

For the three count.
When I got backstage Anna hugged me with a slight smile on her face.
Ethan- Umm Anna could you let go of me.
Anna- But I don't want to.
Ethan- And why is that.
Anna- Cause I don't wanna let you go.
Ethan- You don't wanna let me go huh.
Anna- Yeah I don't.
Ethan- Why don't you.
Anna- Cause I love you okay.
Ethan- Hmmm okay thanks I just needed to hear that from you.
Anna- Do you love me back though.
Ethan- Hmmm I don't know.
Anna- Ethan really.
Ethan- I'm just playing of course I do. But right now I need a shower so I gotta go.
Anna- Yeah you do cause you stink.
Ethan- Thanks I totally needed that.
Anna- Whatever.

Dark times ahead (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now