Boom boom

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Ethan's POV
On Twitter Colt Cabana challenged me to a match. Now Ive faced Colt before and I accepted his challenge. I told him I'd see him next week. So now I have a match with one of my not really friends but aquantances. But basically it's a handicap match because he has the dark order by his side. But it won't matter.
Time skip to match
Justin Roberts- This match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger weighing in at 233 pounds Colt Cabana

Justin Roberts- and his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

Narrator POV
Aubrey Edwards called for the bell to get the match forward. Ethan got onto the attack quickly with a knee to the gut of Cabana. Ethan hit Cabana with a

Ethan went for a quick pin but Colt kicked out at two. Bourne went for the blackout but Colt ducked and hit a

(Just imagine it's not form the top rope)
Colt tried for a snap suplex but Ethan countered it into

Ethan tried to lock in a Boston crab but Colt pushed him off and hit a

(John Cena= Colt Kurt Angle = Ethan)
Colt picked Ethan up and hit a

(Sin Cara= Colt Miro = Ethan)
Colt went into the cover but Bourne kicked out at two. Ethan grabbed him a bed rolled him up but Anna Jay got up onto the apron. Ethan let go of the pin and walked up to Anna to confront her. When Ethan walked up to her she grabbed him and kissed. When she let go Ethan turned around to be hit with a

For the victory. When Ethan got up he looked around confused when he looked up he saw Anna with a smirk on her face as she winked at him for the second time in two weeks.

Dark times ahead (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now