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Today I wasn't going to the tattoo shop cause I'm getting stuff ready for tomorrow since we're going to Florida

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Today I wasn't going to the tattoo shop cause I'm getting stuff ready for tomorrow since we're going to Florida.

I decided to let Serayah sleep in a little longer since usually I wake her up the same time as me which is early.

I picked out the outfits and shoes I was gone bring on the trip and packed it neatly in my suitcase, I was gone pack everything else tonight. My brother, his girlfriend and son was coming. Nicole and her kids were also coming along with her boyfriend. Come to find out, her boyfriend is Avontae's blood cousin but she been around for a while so she's family to them.

The Air bnb we picked out had enough rooms and even some extra rooms so it was pretty big.

After I was done packing my clothes, I went downstairs to cook breakfast. I wasn't going to force her to eat eggs this time.

As soon as I took out what all I needed to cook Serayah came downstairs crying and rubbing her eyes.

"What you crying for?" I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I come with you." She sniffed.

"I'm not going nowhere today." I laughed. "Come on let's go brush your teeth." I said going to the bathroom.

"But I wanna gooooo." She dragged as she cried.

"You don't wanna stay home today? I asked and I felt her shake her head. I didn't realize she liked the tattoo shop that much.

After I was done helping her brush her teeth, I sat her down on the couch and put on something that she can watch while I make breakfast.

After I was done I sat her down in her high chair and she was mugging.

"I want candy." She said.

"You just woke up, eat your breakfast." I said and she started to throw a fit. She was never this moody when she woke up.

"What's wrong, you still sleepy?" I asked and she shook her head no so I just picked her up and sat her down in my lap and she started smiling.

"Really, that's all you wanted me to do." I laughed as I fed her.

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