Chapter 17: Dani and Christina

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We leave Lisa's room. Kath went to go talk to the doctor who is attending Lisa, asking when Lisa can be released and will be able to go home. So we sit and wait for her to finish her conversation with the doctor. For the last 5 months, we've visited Lisa a lot. They let me have my alone time with Lisa which I was grateful for. I spent my alone time with Lisa, holding her hand and having one sided conversations. Lisa would never let me do that if she was awake or let alone want to see me. So I'm grateful for my time with her even if she's in a coma. I felt happy that I got to be with my big sister. When Lauren re-appeared in our lives 5 months ago everything had been a roller coaster ride. I was happy that she was alive because duh she's my sugar, my sister, my best friend. But at the same time, she would be the reason Lisa would be happy again when she woke up. I wanted to be the one to make her happy again. I want to have their type of bond where it's unbreakable, almost like a twin bond but I don't have that with any of my siblings. Well I guess Chris and I have that since she's the oldest girl and I'm the youngest girl but still. I mean Kath and Chris have it. Kath and Amy have it. Chris has it with Lauren and Lisa or well had until I destroyed that. I know Chris misses it because one Lauren is her birthday twin and Lisia well is Lisa. Something about Lisa and Lauren draws people to them. Like in the comments, it's about them. It's either Lisa, Lauren, or the both of them. I mean sure there are some comments about me and Lauren but whenever there's a Laurisa sister moment even if it's a brief moment the fans go crazy about it. How are you supposed to compete with that? Lauren and Kath seem to have patched up their relationship. I notice that Lauren was trying to restore her relationship with each of us but I can see her struggling to forgive us, well me and Christina. Amy and kath never physically hurt her but Amy did mentally hurt her. Kath stayed out of it meaning Lisa and Lauren were good with her. I doubt Lauren could truly hate us because she has such a big heart and the love for her family is so strong but if she truly is a Lisa Jr then she's absolutely capable of hating people even her family. I want to restore my relationship with my sisters especially with Lisa and Lauren. The reason why I'm so jealous of Lauren is because she's perfect. I mean seriously, even when she messes up the fans think it's cute that she looks at Lisa for help when she messes up or needs help on a note or two. Or when we're recording and Lisa is so done with all of us, Lauren messes up and she reassures her that it's ok that we have to do another take. Lauren and Lisa rarely get into fights with each other. They get mad at each other like siblings do but they rarely get mad at each other. They have arguments about stupid things and since they're both stubborn it takes a while but eventually they get over it. Why couldn't I be Lauren?

" They want to keep Lise here for a couple more days for observation," kath informs us, " to make sure that everything is good and she's healing properly."

" How much longer?" I ask.

" 2 weeks," kath answers. 2 weeks?

" We'll be able to visit right?" I ask.

" Yea between 12:30-10:30 p.m." she answers. Chris tells us that she's gonna go talk to Lauren.


" Are you sure?" Amy asks.

" Yea, I need to apologize to her for everything," I say. I'm so ashamed of myself. I had laid a hand on my sister more or less my baby sister, my birthday twin. What kind of sister is that? A monster, that's what I am. I will never forgive myself for hitting Lolo. There's a reason why Lisa is very protective of Lauren and why they're so close even before everything happened. The day Lauren was born, Lisa was only 5 years-old but Lisa had made a promise to her that she would always protect and love her. It was Lisa who named Lauren. Mom had no other choice but to pick that name because Lisa immediately started calling Lauren that name. When Lisa held Lauren for the first time, baby Lauren had opened her eyes, staring directly into Lisa's eyes which was identical to hers. It was the best birthday ever because Lauren had been born and Lisa bonded with a sibling. Lisa was always a quiet child, mostly kept to herself never getting close to any of us that was until Lauren. When Lauren was 5, we went to the park and a boy picked on her making her cry. Lisa was furious and let's just say the boy sported a broken nose and a bruised face. That was the first time we saw a furious Lisa and we knew from that day she was Lauren's protector and hero. I enter Lisa's room and see her and Laur talking.

" Christina," Lisa's voice emotionless.

" Just hear me out please," I plead. Lauren nods her head while Lisa glowers at me. " I'm so sorry for everything. I've been meaning to say that since I saw you again. I can never forgive myself for playing a role in your death. You died and I lost my baby sister, my birthday twin, my robin. I should have listened to you, I should have known better and I'm sorry that I didn't. I understand if you hate me and don't ever wanna talk to me ever again. I deserve it."

" I don't hate you Chrissy, you're my sister but it's gonna take a while to trust you again," Lauren says.

" I'll wait for that trust and I'll spend the rest of my life making sure that I am worthy of your trust and love again," I say. " I promise I'll find the Christina that you loved and missed." I had buried that Christina when the new Christiana emerged.

" hurt her again and I swear that it will be you going home with broken bones," Lisa chimes, her eyes dark and serious knowing fully well that she's not bluffing. She never hit back before because she still cared about us but now all that matters to her is keeping her promise to a baby Laurena nd that's to protect her even if it means fighting her own siblings.

" I'm holding you to that," I say in all seriousness. If I ever hurt Lauren again, I want Lisa to uphold her threat because I deserve it.

" I love you Laur, Lise, see you tomorrow," I say walking out with a small smile on my face.

" You look happy," Kath comments.

" Laur, Lise, and I are making progress," I tell her.

" That's great Chris, Lisa gave you the talk?" She asks. I nod my head.

" How'd you know?" I ask.

" It wouldn't be Lisa if she didn't," Kath says. " You know how they are, Laur being the good cop and Lisa being the bad cop." That's true. When they wee younger if they saw or heard someone bullying the other, they were mad at you. You'd need to apologize to the both of them and if one doesn't forgive you, the other doesn't either. It just who they are.

" Yea, i miss them and their dynamic, I didn't think I would miss it until now," I admit.

" Yea, Lisa and Lisa Jr.," Kath says. When we were kids we'd joke around calling Lauren, Lisa Jr then shorten it LJ. Lauren never really minded being called that since Lauren was always happy with anything that involved Lisa and vise versa. Kath and I have their type of bond but not on their level.

" Let's go eat lunch," Kath says. " We can ask if the others want food as well."

" Ok, I"ll go get Amy and Dan," I say. 

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