Chapter 2: Lisa

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I ran out of the hospital, ran out where my baby sister laid no longer alive, ran out of the place that was suffocating me. I found myself in the hospital park, children and adults playing. I sat myself down against a tree, hugging my knees as I started bawling my eyes out. Thoughts ran through my mind, every memory I had with Lauren flashing in my head. I already miss her and it's only been a couple minutes since she died but those minutes felt like hours and those hours felt like months and those months felt like years. I miss her bright smiles, her contagious laughs, the way her eyes light up when something made her happy. I will never see Lauren happy ever again because of this whole family. I hate them. I know that it's the pain talking but still. They were the cause of why Lauren tried to kill herself to make them happy because in that beautiful beautiful mind of hers, she thought  everyone would be happier if she wasn't alive anymore. I don't know what made her think that but she did as well as she thought that she was the problem but the truth is, they were. They were the ones that needed to change, the ones that needed to open their eyes but they were so blinded by their youngest sister's lies that they never saw  Lauren fading away every single day. But I did, and I was powerless against it, I couldn't help her. She was broken, all she ever wanted to be enough and worthy for her other sisters' love  but instead, they all ignored her. I was the only one there for her. I was the one to wake up to the sound of her screams, the sight of her crying, to comfort her at night when she would get nightmares. That day when I had read her goodbye note was the worst day of my life but it was what I  saw that killed me, she was  in the bathroom staring at her reflection, I saw a broken little girl, my baby sister. My sister broken because of them. That was the last time I got to say 'I love you to her'. And her last words were "sorry". That was the last time, I saw her smile for the first time in months. Blood, her blood bled on my hand. That was the day, I began to hate my sisters. That was the day, I promise them that I will never forgive them, if Lauren dies because of their own stupidity and blindness. But today was the day, she died, she was the one who pulled the wires that was keeping her alive. 'Moose' and 'Lisa' was her last words. My name was her last words as I watched my sister died in my arms for the second time. I hated myself for failing my job to protect her. I was suppose to be her big sister but I failed that. I hate Christina for hurting her, for failing her job to watch over her. I hate Lauren for pulling the wires, ending her life in my arms, how her eyes shined when she was dying, happiness and freedom, for leaving me knowing I wasn't enough for her to stay alive. I hate God for taking her away from me. And I especially hate Danielle, because this was all her fault. She wanted attention and she got that except from me. I stopped giving her my attention the moment they touched Lauren, I know that she's my little sister yes, but Lauren was my little sister too. I cried for Lauren, when the tears stopped that's when I felt numb. Like a piece of me had died along with Lauren, the better part of me. Half of my soul and heart had died with Lauren. I didn't feel anything. I felt no hatred, no sadness, no madness, no nothing. It was like I lost my twin and I guess I'm not that far off because Laur and I were always so close like twins are. I got up and went back to the hospital, and was greeted with my siblings with a worried look. I ignore them and just enter Lauren's room but I'm freeze though as everything, floods in my mind. Her lifeless body laying on the deathbed, pale and not breathing before me

" Ladybug," I whisper my voice cracking, a single tear fell from my cheek which was for Lauren. I love you, Ladybug.

A/N: Second update of the day! Hope you guys enjoy! Love y'all. Thxs for reading. 

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