Chapter 14: Alex

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For the last two months, I grew more and more and more protective of Lauren. She was my patient, meaning I was the one to watch over her, check on her, and take care of her. She was and is still young, when she was admitted to the hospital, I was shocked by her condition. She has a whole life ahead of her before she goes to the other side. The fact that she was treated badly from her own sisters, made me sad, because to see siblings like that breaks my heart. I'm a twin and it would pain me to see him get hurt. I knew who she was because she was famous and was in a band with her 5 sisters. I never cared that she was famous, what mattered to me was how she was treated back in her own home. I was determined to save her after witnessing how Lisa, her older sister/her look-alike ran out of her room. I could hear her screams at her other sisters. Lisa and Lauren must have been closed, closer than the rest of their siblings anyways. I didn't want their family like mine, broken even already. When I got a pulse with the help of my girlfriend, Cait, I was so happy that we did, we saved her. Cait and I have been together for almost a year now, both our parents didn't approve of us which led to us being kicked out and so now we live in an apartment together. Maybe it was because Lauren reminded me of a younger me or maybe the way her sister broke down when she learned that her sister was gone, made me determined to save and protect her. I could have gotten sued for slightly faking Lauren's death but she wanted it that way. Lauren was healing physically for a week and I gave her an option that she could either stay with us, the hospital or go back home and she picked the hospital, so ever since then, the hospital kinda became her home as well as mine and Cait's apartment. After driving to the hospital, Lauren immediately ran to her sister's room. Cait and I had a small smile on our face as we watched her go. I'm glad that she still has Lisa.

" Watch over Laur, I'm gonna go ask John, if I could be part of Lisa's operation," I inform Cait who nods her head. She kisses me before letting me go, I have a goofy smile on my face. That will never get old. 

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