Chapter 3: Katherine

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Lisa's scream could be heard all around the hospital. We all took off and rush to her. When we got to her, we were in Lauren's hospital room. Lisa was just staring at the empty bed that uses to hold Lauren on it. There was no emotion on her face, which was scary. I have never seen Lisa this broken before and it broke my heart to see her in so much pain even if it was mentally. Being in mental pain is worse than being in physical pain cause physical pain can heal but will leave a scar, but mental pain will be there forever even if you try to forget, it will be there deep down, it does not heal, it haunts you for the rest of your life. I failed my job to protect both of my sisters. I could have saved Lauren if I just paid more attention. If I didn't ignore her, being blind by my stupidity. I should have been there for her when she needed me. I'm the worst sister ever. I should have known better, should have known that Dani was lying but I didn't and because of that it cost everyone Lauren but I can't imagine going through what Lisa had to go through. She was there with Lauren. I don't think I could even stand but here she is standing on her own two feet. She had to witness Lauren die not once, but twice and both times in her arms. I don't think I could be this strong to even enter Lauren's room without running out. I wrap my arms around Lisa who didn't acknowledge me at all.

" Lauren" was all she said before fainting. I catch her before she fell on the ground. I place her on the bed.

" We lost Lauren and Lisa both on the same day," Christina says for the first time in 8 hours. Christina is usually calm and collected one but right now she's a mess. We did lose two sisters instead of one. It feels like some part of Lisa died along with Lauren and that fact that they were super close, I don't know what Lisa will be like when she awakes again, only to wake up in a world without Lauren no longer living. 

" Lisa will never be the same again," I say stroking Lisa's hair. I kiss her forehead before getting a doctor. I followed the doctor back into the room. She did some check up on her.

" She'll be fine, she was just dehydrated and exhausted which is understandable, seeing that she had just witness the death of a love one so she'll be traumatized though when she wakes up. She might have symptom of PTSD so if you think she does, take her to visit a doctor to get diagnosed, make sure that one of you guys are at her side when she wakes up having someone or something familiar will help the patient be a calm a bit," the doc says. I nod my head. She walks out. I sit next to Christina and wrap my arms around her. She begins to cry once more. I stroke her hair trying to comfort her.

Nothing will ever be the same ever again 

A/N: Did anyone watch the new video, Cimorelli upload, reacting to hate comments. I love how they laugh at the hate never taking it in the heart, I don't really understand why people comment hate on them because seriously they are like goals. Yes we are entitle to have our own opinion but if you nothing nice to say just don't say at all. Also it's like 7:30 am, so I'm partially still asleep but hey I'm up and updating this story. Thanks for reading. Enjoy. 

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