Chapter 15: Lauren

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~Five Months Later~

Last week, Lisa finally awoke from her coma and the first thing she saw was her deceased sister, Lauren. So of course her first thought that she was dead and joined her sister at last. But things didn't make sense to her, for one, she was laying on a bed with wires all over her body and two, two nurses kept asking her questions. All Lisa did was stare at her sister who was looking back at her.

" Am I dead?" Lisa finally broke the silence.

" No, Ms. Cimorelli, you just woke up from your 5 month coma," the nurse says, confusing her.

" If I'm not dead, then why do I see my dead sister?" She asked, pointing to the said dead sister.

" She's not dead, Ms. Cimorelli as we can clearly see her as well," the nurse says, making Lisa's heart spike up. Lisa couldn't comprehend that information.

" You are lying, I saw her die, she died right in front of me," Lisa argued.

" Moose, calm down, please," Lauren asked, getting her older sister's attention. An instinct in Lisa made her listen to her.

" We'll leave you two alone," the nurse says before leaving. Lauren approached her sister slowly not knowing how the other would react. When Lauren finally reached the bed, she sat on the edge with her sister's gaze still on her.

" I've missed you, Moose," Lauren says.

" I do too, Ladybug," Lisa says, unable to help herself.

" But you aren't real, you are just my illusion," Lisa muttered to herself which Lauren heard and was stung that her sister didn't believe it was her but she couldn't blame her for that, if it was the other way around she knew herself that she wouldn't have believed it either.

" I am real though, Lise, and I'm sorry for not going back to you but I couldn't face you nor face our sisters," Lauren told her. Lisa, as much as she wanted to believe her, couldn't. She spent days grieving over her sister that she doesn't know if she was hallucinating Lauren or not.

" I really wanna believe you, that the doctors managed to save you so badly but I can't wake up again knowing that you won't be there, because you died, Laur, you chose death over life, over me, and now maybe I can do the same, to chose you over my own life because Ladybug I can not live a world where you are not in it," Lisa says making Lauren tear up. Lauren placed a hand on her sister's arm making Lisa who still believes that she's hallucinating her sister smiled at the contact. A wave of tiredness hit Lisa, making her eyes fluttering trying to stay awake a bit longer so she could be with her sister for a while before she disappeared like she always did. 

" Can you stay while I sleep?" Lisa asked tiredly hoping that her sister would. 

" Always, Moose, I am never leaving you again," Lauren vowed making her sister smile. 

" I wish that it were true, Laur, I really wish that but you'll be gone the moment I wake up," Lisa said as Lauren laid beside her. Lisa immediately cuddled up to her even though she's done that so many times when she hallucinated her sister. She savored the feeling of her sister's arms around her before saying, " I love you so much, Bug, and miss you so much it hurts." Then she drifted asleep to the steady heartbeat of her sister's. 


I watched as Lise drifted to sleep, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

" I love you too, and miss you as well," I whisper as I kiss her head. She doesn't believe that I'm alive but that's understandable because it was the other way around I would be the same. I left her, chose death over her and now she's willing to do the same just to be with me. She wants to end her life just so we can be together again. We were always the closes ones out of our siblings even before this whole thing. She was the only thing enough for me to keep living my life but I couldn't bare seeing her in pain everyday because she chose me over Dani, over our other sisters. I let my fingers caress her face. I smile sadly down at her as I kiss her temple. Something caught my eyes, my bracelet. I never took that off until that day and now she has it. It brought a smile on my face that she's wearing it. I rub her back noticing that she was beginning to stir. I then hear Ara, the nurse that was attending to Lise enter. She went to change Lise's IV fluids.

" She asleep?" Ara asked. 

" Yea, is she on meds?" I ask noticing that Lisa was pretty tired. 

" Yea, one for her head, another for her chest and another one for her stomach,"  she informs me. 

" How bad do you think she'll be?" I ask 

" Her body was healing when she was in her coma so give or take 2-3 months, her body will fully heal but even though she's heal, she might get slight pains so if that happens she should take just take ADVIL, since the crash didn't hit important organs," Ara tells me. 

" That's good," I say my grip on my sister tighten a bit. 

" Her stomach and chest was hurt pretty bad so she'll have pains in those area for a while so that's when she needs to take her medicines," she adds. 

" Thanks, A, can you tell Cait or Lex that I'm staying with my sister tonight," I tell her. 

" Sure Laur, sweet dreams," Ara says placing a hand on my arm before walking out. My mind goes back to all that happened in the last 5 months. Slowly but surely I'm learning not to fear my sisters. The first relationship that I restored was with Kath. She never laid a hand on me nor said anything mean to me. She didn't pick sides. I'm glad for that. Restoring my relationship with my other sisters would be harder since I panic every time they try to talk to me or come near me. Amy and I are getting there since she never physically hurt me but being mentally hurt is probably worse than physically because those can heal but mental stay with you for the rest of your life. I let my mind go back to the times where Lise and I went to the beach to see the sunsets and sunrises, letting it calm me. I cuddle closer to her as I let myself drift to sleep. " I promise that I will never leave you again, Moose." I promised before letting sleep consume me. 

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