Chapter 19: Katherine

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It's been going good with my siblings. Lauren and Lisa have been going to therapy. We've also been going to family therapy which is where we are right now.

" Hey guys, how is everyone feeling?" Katy, the family therapist asks.

" I'm been ok," Christina answers then Amy, then Dani, then me, then Lisa and last Lauren. Katy goes on about why our feeling is the way they are right now and everyone explains why they were feeling that way.

" I want everyone to share their high and lows of their week, Lauren honey why don't you go first," Katy says. Lauren looks at Lisa who gave her an encouraging smile and nods.

" Well umm my high was going to the beach with Lisa and Chris," Lauren says.

" And why is that your highlight of the week?" Katy asks.

" Because its been awhile since we've done that and it was really fun," answers Lauren. Katy jot down something on her notepad.

" And what is your low?"

" I have to go to another therapy session after this," she says making Katy chuckle. Unfortunately it's true, she and Lisa would have to go to their other therapy after this. I feel slightly bad taht they have to have a back to back but I'm grateful that they are getting help. In the first year, they went to rehab then after the doctors said that they were good and didn't need to be in it anymore, the doctor recommended that they go to therapy everyday just to make sure that they wouldn't relapse. After they made progress and their therapist, Natasha felt that they didn't need to go everyday, they only had to go 3 times a week. Both Lisa and Lauren really have changed over the last three years. They're more happy now. I'm proud of them for overcoming everything.

" Ok, for this week I want you guys all to say something that you are grateful for about your sisters then we'll talk about it in the next week's session," Katy says. " You guys did a really good job and you guys have come a long way from when we first started."

" Anyone want ice cream?" Christina asks once we leave the building except for Lauren and Lisa, who went to their other therapy session.

" Oo me!" Dani says. We go to Sonic. Dani got an Oreo Big Scoop Cookie Dough Sundae. I got a Vanilla Classic Shake. Chris got an Oreo Chocolate Master Shake. Amy got a Sonic Blast made with Oreo Cookie Pieces.

_1 hour later_

I pick up Lisa and Lauren from therapy.

" How was it?" I ask as they got in the car.

" Fine," Lisa replies. " Natasha says we only need to see her two times a week instead of three. She says that we're doing good that we don't need to see her three times a week."

" That's great guys, you guys want ice cream?" I ask since everyone else got ice cream.

" YEa, I'm starving," Lisa says dramatically which Laur and I roll our eyes at her dramatic. I put on music. What's up by 4 non-blondes played. We all sing along to it. I look at the rear view mirror to see both Lisa and Lauren singing at each other with huge simes on their faces. I think we're all going to be alright. 

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