Chapter one: Christina

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Christina: 24

Katherine: 21

Lisa: 18

Amy: 16

Lauren: 14

Dani: 12


It has been five long days since Lauren was in the hospital. Since she tried to commit suicide. Since Lisa found her. Everything in the house changed. Ever since the night Lisa found Lauren on the bathroom floor, covered in her own blood, she had developed anxiety. Every single night, she would wake up screaming Lauren's name in pain. Since her mind would still be half asleep, she ends up having a panic attack due to the lack of finding Lauren in their shared bedroom. I would wake up from her screams and run to their room to try and calm her down but once her mind fully awakens, that's when she remembers everything and pushes me away, kicking me out of their room. She blames me and Dani for Lauren's condition and I don't blame her because I blame myself too. On the night, Lisa found Lauren, Dani admitted to us that what she was saying was all a lie, to gain our attention since apparently Lauren had it all. She said that she couldn't compete with Lauren and so she said things that was never true. Of course when we learned the truth, everyone of us were pissed off especially Lisa, who hates her. Everyone thought that Lauren and Dani were close but it was really Lisa and Lauren. They have an understanding with each other that we don't understand. Sometimes, it feels like they are twins instead of sisters, sometimes their bond shows like they are twins. They should have really been born twins, they look-alike, understand each other like twins do, and they have a very close bond that only twins have. We are all in the hospital outside of Lauren's room waiting for news of her condition. Lisa was in the room having her moment with Lauren since she was the one who found her also she needed her alone time with Lauren to give her some comfort that she made it that she was ok. Suddenly, nurses and doctors began barging into Lauren's room, screaming things, that I couldn't understand. But the moment Lisa came out of that room, I understood what was happening, Lisa held so much hatred and anger in her eyes but somewhere deep into her eyes, she was broken and lost. She then lashed out and nearly punched Dani, screaming, " THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I HATE YOU!" Katherine managed to grab Lisa.

" Calm down, Lise, it's gonna be ok," Kath says to Lisa. Lisa broke down in Kath's arm.

" She's gone, my ladybug, my mini-me, my twin, my Lo, my baby sister, she's gone, I failed her," Lisa says mumbling into Kath's chest. Tears filled my eyes when I heard her say that. Lauren was dead. " No, she can't be-" but before I could even finish my sentence,  the doctors had confirmed it. My knees weaken and fell on the ground and bawling my eyes out. Our Lo was gone. I then felt a pair of arms around me. Amy. " I HATE YOU, DANIELLE NICOLE CIMORELLI," Lisa growls at Dani who is crying. My older sister instinct kicked in and got out of Amy's arms and made my way to my baby sister, wrapping my arms around her.  Even though I'm mad at her for lying to us, she's still my sister and I could never hate her. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt Lauren, I didn't mean it, I swear," Dani sobs against my chest as I whisper comforting things into her ears. 

" It's gonna be ok," I say not knowing if that was to comfort me or her but knowing that it was lie. Nothing was ever gonna be the same ever again. And I guess Lisa was thinking about that too because she says, " It will never be the same, it will never be ok, you weren't the one who saw her die in your arms. I saw her die in front of me, in my freaking arms, MY ARMS, do you understand that? I witness her death, her last word, her last breath. It was that night all over again when I found her but I was late too help her, I was too late to save her, the feeling of my own sister's blood in my hands, the way she weighted nothing my arms, but you know the difference then and now, the doctors were able to save her and she was breathing, alive but now she's not ALIVE, all because of you, Danielle, because you wanted our bloody attention well now you do because of it, you killed your own sister for your own selfishness, because you were jealous of your own sister, and for that I hate you and will never ever forgive for that, and I, Lisa Cimorelli, disown you, Danielle Cimorelli, as my sister." Lisa ran out after as  I was about to chase after her, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look to see Amy telling me to give her some space, to let her grief on her own, that she needs time away from all of this and need air.  She just witness the dead of her baby sister. If I were her, I would want space to think. So I just resume hugging Dani. Kath and Amy joined in. We did not just lose one sister but two sister today.

A/N: Hey guys!!! It's been a long time since I uploaded. I honestly had the longest writer's block ever in my life. Usually writing comes easy to me and ideas as well but I don't know what happen so yea. Any ways, this is my first Cimorelli fiction, also I'm new to the CimFam, I can't believe that I'm just hearing about them now like seriously there is something wrong with me, because they are flipping amazing and beautiful. I love all their unique voices and how their voice compliment each other. They are the best girl group, I know and especially since they are sisters as well too. Their bond with each other is amazing. Well anyways, I hope you guys enjoy also feel free to point out errors I made and sorry about it too. English is not my first language. Also vote and comment below if you like to.

" Learn to love yourself first before you love someone else" ~unknown

A/N: (4/28/20) Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since I have wrote and tbh, I kinda forgot that I even wrote this, but don't worry, I'll continue it, I just edited this chapter, I didn't change it a lot just some bits and pieces. I do have chapter 14 ready but I still got edit that so it will probably up by tomorrow and also I might make changes to this so just bare with me. Also since we're all quarantined, I will have a lot more time unless online school wants to be a bitch so later. I'll be editing the chapters then I'll put up chapter 14.

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