Chapter 13: Christina

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The girl from the hospital was here and was hugging Lauren. I wonder how she knew where we live.

" Who are you?" I asked again since the first time I was ignored. She chuckles before answering.

" Caitlin Holter, and you are Christina, I'm guessing, I have heard a lot about you," she says. Well nah duh, we're famous.

" Can we go home? Lex will be home soon," I hear Lauren say really confusing me.

" You are home though," I say confusedly.

" No, this is hell, my home is laying in the hospital," Lauren response. That stung. Another person came in the house dressed in nurse clothes. More nurses?!

" What's taking so long, Cait?" she asks.

" Lex!" Lauren exclaimed with so much joy in her voice. I haven't seen nor heard her so happy that was not Lisa.

" Hey, little one," the girl says. Caitlin wraps her arms around the girl as she approaches them. Lauren hugged her. The girl kisses Caitlin. Did not know that they were a thing. [Well duh, dummy, you don't know them] I thought.

" Eww guys, c'mon, you guys can do that after I say bye to Lise and go to bed," Lauren says with a smile tug her face.

" You live with them?" I ask no in a rude or offending way. Lauren flinches at my voice which made me sad. I broke my own baby sister. My birthday twin. The girl noticed and hugs her even tighter and answers, " She does, why?" So that means she's been with them for 2 months while we all thought she was dead.

" So she's been with you guys all those 2 months?" I ask voicing my thought.

" After Caitlin and I manage to get her pulse beating, weakly, we had decided to keep her in the hospital for a week to keep a close eye on her. She got better each day though she was scared of everything, which a kid shouldn't have felt if they knew they were loved and safe but that wasn't the case. She was terrified of every little thing. I had to and still do watch over her. At the end of the week, I had asked her if she wanted to go home but she surprised me with her answer, "Home is where we are both" and of course I was confused so I asked her and she told me about Lisa. So I gave her a choice if she wanted to go with me and Caitlin or go back to you I'm guessing and she picked me. We didn't fake her death, she died for a minute and I with the help of Caitlin saved her," She says.

" Ally, c'mon, she doesn't get an explanation, Lise and Kath does," Lauren says tearing my heart apart. My baby sister want to give me an explanation of how she is here.

" Don't be like that Lolo, I'm so sorry for everything, and you know if I could turn back time- you would do the same thing because you can't change the past," Lauren interjects. I sob.

" You really are the mini-me Lisa, baby girl," Caitlin says kissing my sister's forehead. They leave without another word. When they leave, I scream and fell to the ground and curled into a ball, bawling my eyes out once again. Arms wrapped themselves around me. I know that it's Kath. I must have woken her up when I got up to get the door.

" Oh, Stina," she says with so much sadness written all over it. She picks me up and takes us to the couch. She starts to hum, Fight Song, which put me to sleep. 

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