Chapter 18: Lisa and Lauren

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_3 year later_


It's been 3 years since everything has happened. Everything has changed, we've changed. Lauren learned to forgive Dani, Chris, and Amy and so did I. It wasn't easy but we did. Laur and I go to therapy. The doctor requested that we do because we needed help since we had the tendency of harming ourselves. We're much happier ever since going to therapy, it really helps.

" Come on Lise, we have to film our video," Lauren says, snapping me out of my thoughts. We're filming our cover of Fight Song. It's actually a fitting song for me and Laur. After we finish filming it. I upload it on our channel.

" Wanna go out with us?" I turn to look at Lauren who asked me.

" Where are you guys going?" I ask her. She sits on my bed.

" We're gonna go see the movie Colonia," she tells me.

" What's it about?" I ask her, curious. I never heard that movie before.

" I don't know really, but Dani and Amy want to watch it," she says. " So do you wanna join us?" Even though it's been 3 years, there is still fear in her eyes when she's alone with our sisters except when she's with Kath. Our therapist says that it's gonna take a while to be comfortable with our sisters again.

" Do you want me to?" I ask her. Our therapist, Natasha says that it's good for Lauren to talk about her feelings and tell someone how she's feeling.

" Yes," She tells me. I smile at her knowing that it's hard for her to actually admit her feelings.

" Then of course I'll go with you," I tell her, kissing her head. We get ready then meet Amy and Dani in my car.

" So what is the movie we're gonna go watch about?" I ask.

" It's about a girl who's a stewardess that tries to save her boyfriend who became a prisoner during a military coup in Chile. It's set in 1973," Amy answers.

" Sounds interesting, is it scary?" I ask. I don't like horror movies, everyone knows that. She shakes her head. We get to the movie theater and buy our tickets for the movie. We sat in the middle row: Lauren, me, Amy and Dani. I rested my head on Laur's shoulder and fell asleep since I wasn't planning on watching the movie.

_1 hour and 30 minutes later_

I feel someone shaking me awake.

" What?" I groan.

" The movie is over," Dani says. I rub my eye to get rid of sleep and sit up straight. My back hurts for sleeping in an uncomfortable way.

" Oh," We leave the movie theater.

" So how was the movie?" I ask them.

" Well it was interesting," Amy says. " You and Laur doze off the entire movie."

" I was tired plus I never saw the trailer of the movie so I wasn't really interested in watching it," I told her.

" Then why did you come then?" Dani says.

" Dani," Lauren says.

" What? I mean why would she come to the movies if she wasn't gonna watch it," she says.

" Because Lauren offered if I wanted to go unlike you two," I say. " Plus I'm the only one who can drive out of all of us. Anyways let's go get something to eat." They nod their heads.

" Laur where do you wanna eat?" I ask her.

" How come Lauren gets to pick where we eat?" Dani whines.

" Because you guys picked the movie," I say leaving no room for argument.


" Sonic," I answer Lisa's question. It's been 3 years since everything happened. The recovery is long and hard but Lise and I are doing good. My relationship with my sisters got better. We're happy and all are making efforts to be better. There are moments where my fear of Dani and Christina would return when they do something that triggers it. My therapist, Natasha says that's normal for someone who has PTSD.

" Ok let's go," Lisa says, pulling me away from my thoughts. We went to Sonic and ordered our food as well as for our other sisters then went home. It's 10 p.m. by the time we arrive home and I am exhausted. I took a shower and then went to bed. I wake up to a boy cuddling mine which takes me by surprise a bit but at the same time not really. I'd wake up next to Lisa either in her med or mine. One way or another, I never wake up alone. Ti's a habit that both Lisa and I picked up again. When we were younger I'd always take comfort in sleeping next to Lisa or Christina. Though mostly Lisa since we share a room.

" Morning sleepyhead," I greet her when she wakes.

" Nope, I'm going back to sleep," she groans burying her face against my side.

" C'mon Lise, we have to go film our video," I say. Morning were always the hardest for us. " I really don't want to spend all day trying to film it." She groans.

" Fine," she gets up and we get ready. We join the others for breakfast then we meet up at the recording studio then we film the video for the music. 

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