Chapter 16: Lisa

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I woke up to a pounding headache . I felt a body cuddling to me, I looked to see my Ladybug. She felt too real for me to be hallucinating. Everything came back to me, I was heading to Laur's grave after another bad nightmare but a truck was speeding towards me. As I looked around, I realized that I was in a hospital room but this room looks different from the one Lauren was in when she... I don't continue that thought. Someone entered the room, a brunette nurse.

" Glad that you are awake, Miss Cimorelli, how's your head, any pain with your stomach or chest or anywhere else," she asks as she checks on the monitor.

" My head kinda hurts," I admit watching her change the fluids.

" That's normal, take this," she says handing me a cup of water and a pill. I take it, making my head instantly stop pounding.

" Laur," the nurse says, making my heart stop.

" Are you ok? Is there something wrong?" The nurse concerned noticed that the heart monitor flatline a bit.

" You can see her?" I ask.

" You mean your sister? Yea I can," she says.

" So last night she wasn't lying," I say not expecting her to understand.

" Yea, we did save her, she stayed here for recovery, she wasn't ready to go back yet and we were afraid that all the recovery that she did would be destroyed," she admits. I can't even be mad at the nurse because she saved my Ladybug's life and kept her safe. I do something we both don't except, I say thank you to her. I mean they all risked their jobs by faking Lauren's death and keeping her away from her family. They risked their job to protect Lauren and for that I am forever grateful. I felt Lauren stirring awak.

" Moose?" she asks sleepily, her voice a bit husky due to the sleep.

" Yea, Bug," I say kissing her head. It takes me a while to process what had happened before I knew it I had an armful of Lauren. I let myself melt into her embrace. I've missed her hugs.

" I can't believe you are alive, you have no idea how much I've missed you," I sob.

" Awe Lise, I promise I'll never leave you ever again," she vowed, hugging me. I smiled against her neck. After what felt like forever, a good forever, we let go of each other but still held on to each other's hand.

" I'm gonna leave you guys alone to catch up but Laur if she starts having pain, her meds are on the table, call if there's anything wrong also I'm gonna call Kath later to tell her that Lisa woke up," the nurse says. Kath? Who does she mean Kath? My sister Kath? Or a nurse named Kath?

" Ok but later later," Lauren says.

" How later? and it can't be tomorrow later, we were supposed to call them yesterday but for you we didn't," the nurse says, confusing me.

" Fineee, you can call her at 2," Lauren says .
" 12:30, missy," the nurse says compromising.

" Finee, 12:30, it is," Laur says knowing that she wasn't gonna be able to change the nurse's mind.

" I'll inform Lex and you know that she would have done it sooner," the nurse says.

" Yea, that's true," Lauren says resting her head on my shoulder.

" Gosh you both look like twins," she says, making us laugh. We were used to people getting us mixed up as twins. I mean me and her looked the closest out of all of our siblings. The nurse leaves, leaving Laur and I alone.

" How are you?" I ask not knowing how to start.

" Better that you're awake now," she says.

" You've been here for the last 2 months?" I ask guessing that this was her room since it kinda has a bit of personal touches.

" Yea, this is actually my room, it's where I stayed while I was healing and still is healing," she says.

" They took good care of you?" I ask.

" Yea, they treated me like I was family, you know like our family before everything fell apart," she says.

" That's good," I say resting my head on her shoulder.

" Kath told me that you weren't taking care of yourself," she says. I was surprised that she talked to Kath. She must have sensed that because she adds, " Kath and I restored our relationship." I'm glad. Kath tried to stay out of it. I would rather have her do that then pick Danielle over Lauren.

" I didn't know how to live without you, you wer-are my light and I thought you were gone," I say.

" I was gone, Lise, I died even if it was only a minute or seconds, and my last thought was you, I'm sorry, Lise," she apologized looking down at her hands showing how sorry she was. Some things never change.

" It's ok, bug," I say kissing her head. We talk more, catching each other up about our lives. I learned that 2 nurses actually took her under their wings and that she's close to everyone that works in the hospital. A nurse enters with 2 bags in her hands.

" John bought theses on his way here," the nurse says, handing Lauren the bags.
" Thanks Ara, thank John for me please," Lauren says.

" Of course, Laur, enjoy," the nurse-Ara says before leaving.

" What is it?" I ask.

" Breakfast," she says, laying the food out. It was Chick-Fil-A and In N Out. Laur's and my favorite fast food.

" Aw, he remembered, I forgot that I asked him if he could bring some In N Out so you didn't have to eat hospital food, not that the food here is bad it's just I wanted you to have real food," she says. She's that close that they would go out their way to buy Lauren whatever she asked? Wow.

" Tell him, I said thank you," I say as I take a bite. She nods her head, eating as well. We ate while we continued to talk about random things. Hearing her laugh made my heart soar as well as made me happy. I miss this, my sister being genuinely happy.

" Are you in any pain?" she asked.

" No, the nurse gave me something for my head," I say.

" What did Caity give you?" she asked. Caity or better known as Caitlin was one of the nurses that took her in along with her girlfriend, Alexandra.

" ADVIL," I say. We changed topic after, talking more not realizing that it was already noon until someone came in. It's not a nurse this time, this time it's our sister, Kath.

" Lise, you're finally awake, hey Laurie," Kath greeted us as she hugged us both which we both accepted.

" How are you feeling?" she asked as we all pulled away.

" I'm good, I have my Ladybug now," I say with a small smile. We caught up a bit until I saw our other sisters and felt Lauren tense up beside me.

" Lisa, you're ok," Christina says with a relief sigh. I hold Lauren's hand to make her relax with work a bit. Christina and Danielle tried to approach closer but they saw Laur flinched and I was glaring at Danielle. I brought Laur into my arms who fully relaxed. I could see jealousy running through Danielle's eyes which pissed me off. I don't feel like dealing with them right now so I make an excuse that I need rest.
" Aren't you coming Lauren?" Danielle asked.

" No, she's staying with me," I answered instead of Laur.

" I don't think that the doctors or nurses would like that," Danielle says and the moment she said that, the nurse that brought the food, Ara, came in. She came and changed the fluids.

" Miss, is our sister allowed to stay with our sister?" Danielle asked, trying to prove me wrong.

" She's allowed to if her said sister asked for her to stay," Ara says.

" Oh, but isn't there like a rule or something?" Danielle asked.

" No ma'am unless you are hurting the patient, not letting them rest or anything that can harm their recovery," Ara says. After trying and failing, Danielle finally left along with our other sisters, leaving Laur and I alone again.

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