Chapter 10: Katherine & Christina

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I was talking to Christina when my phone rang. I picked it up.


Hello is this Katherine Cimorelli speaking?

Yes, this is she

Well, I'm sorry to tell you that your younger sister Lisa has been in an accident is being taken to the hospital and also there has been a discovery

What happened and what discovery?

A drunk driver had hit her car, making it tipped over, her condition isn't good

What! I'll be there, what hospital

Silver Pine Hospital

Thank you sir

I hung up on him and grabbed my car keys. Christina started asking questions which I had no time to answer so I let her come with me. I drove us to the hospital as fast I as I could. We got there in 20 minutes. I locked my car and ran to the hospital with Christina on my tail.

" Lisa Cimorelli" I say to the front lady.

" 2nd floor, room 25, to the left," she says. I thank her then went to the elevator. We rode in silence before we stepped out. But we went to Lisa's room but froze when we heard someone talking. I thought it can only be family that can visit.

" Lise, c'mon, you can't leave, I'm sorry, ok, please just don't leave me," it's a female voice. Her voice was hoarse and raspy. She sound familiar. Where have I heard that voice before. I open the door after 5 minutes of waiting and thinking. Once I opened the door, the person turned and looked at us, making us freeze. The person that we had thought was dead was ALIVE. How?


I was talking to Kath when her phone rang. She was very panicky and moving very fast. I tried to ask her, what was going on but she was just ignoring me so I tag along to find out. She was driving fast that I think that she would have gotten a speeding ticket but something tells me that she wouldn't care if she did. The route she was taking was too familiar. The hospital. Why? The last time we had to go to the hospital was when Laur-. I couldn't think about it. Soon we were in the parking lot and she bolted out. I chase after her.

" Lisa Cimorelli" she says. I was so confuse. What was wrong with Lisa. Oh if you tell me that Lisa is dead, I will hate you God. I can't lose another sister, Lauren was hard enough. Lisa is the only reminder I have left of Lauren even if she doesn't talk to me anymore. We went to the elevator and rode in silence. We got to Lisa's room but pause when we heard a voice. It was a familiar voice. Something inside me stirred. Kath opened the door and the person turned around and looked at us. Tears immediately filled my eyes. She is ALIVE. How?

A/N: Shoutout to letsdans for this idea. I honestly didn't know where I was going on with this story. I just write what my imagination is and how I see things. Hope  you guys enjoy. Also if you guys have any ideas you guys want in the story just message me. Peace out :) 


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