Chapter 9: Lisa

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I knew I was dreaming but after a while, it became so real. 

" Lise! Wake up!" Lauren's voice ran in my ears, bring a smile to my face. I knew that she was hovering above me so I grabbed her waist bring her down, cuddling her. 

" Moose," Lauren groaned making me laugh as she hugged me back for a while until she started to wiggle out of my bear hug. 

" What's up, Ladybug?" I ask my voice was raspy due to just waking up. 

" The sky," Lauren giggle while I shook my head with a smile. 

" Chrissy promised me that we could get ice cream if I wake you up, so wake up!" She says standing up. 

" Fine, I'm up, eat breakfast before eating your ice cream," I say. She nods her head as she left the room. I get myself up and went to the bathroom. After I finished grooming myself, I went downstairs to find Laur and Chris talking and laughing making me smile at them. 

" Hey guys," I greet them grabbing a bacon from Chris's plate, getting my hand smacked by her playfully. 

" Nice for you to finally join us," Chris says with a smile. 

" It's my pleasure," I say winking. Everything was going so great. We went to the mall, filmed a video for our channel and then from there some thing happened. I entered the bathroom to find Lauren covered in her own blood. 

" Lauren!" I screamed as I went to her. I grab a towel to suppress her wounds but nothing was helping. It all felt too familiar. 

" I'm sorry Moose, I love you Lisa," she muttered out before her eyes closed, her whole weight on me. That's when I knew that she no longer was alive. 

" LAUREN!" I screamed out. I felt someone shaking me, my eyes snapped open to see Christina looking at me with sad and worried eyes. 

" You were having a nightmare," she tells me. It wasn't a nightmare, it happened in real life. Lauren is actually dead. 

" I wanna be alone, Christina," I say looking down at my hands, still feeling Lauren's blood on my hand. 

" Ok, if you need anything, just call out, I'll be here," she says. I wanna say something along the line of where were you for Lauren? Where were you when our baby sister starved herself? Where were you when she chose death over her own life? But I don't. I know she's hurting too but it's nothing compare to my pain. I know that she's trying to right her wrong by being there for me but it's not enough. I don't say anything, and she gets the message and leaves the room. Tears began to fall on my face. 

" I want you here, Laur, or maybe I could join you? I mean what's the point of living if you aren't there, you were my light Laur, keeping me from taking my own life, my joy, my happiness, my beating heart but now you are gone, so what's the point of living, why can't I just join you?" I asked looking up. I knew the answer to my question; I need to keep living for her. And somedays are harder while somedays I could numb the pain, thinking that she's just away for a bit. I needed to clear my head so I grabbed a hoodie, slipping on  my shoes before leaving the house. I got into my car and drove off. My mind was all over the place which wasn't really good. I could see a truck coming my way but I couldn't avoid it, it was going like 60 miles per hour. The last thing that was on my mind was: I'm coming, Laur. Before everything faded away.

A/N: This chapter was re-written. Thank you to those who are still reading this story and sticking with me. I promise I will get this book finished it just might take a while. 

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