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Y/n -
Well you may be asking how did I get here well let's just say wicked was to slow to catch me the names
y/n now yes technically I'm alone yes you heard it right alone in the scorch how do I survive well we'll get into that I did have my father and mother long time ago tho my mom died of the flare as for my dad well he disappeared he just left me here not sure why this happened when I was about 9ish now I'm 15 the flare never got better I'm basically the only one left out here that I know of besides the cranks obviously but I'm no soft one I have my ways of surviving and lord have mercy you get into a fight with me I now how to do that pretty damn well I learned how to fight throw knives shoot throw an arrow etc now I did say I wasn't technically alone which in true I have a black horse sadly he isn't doing well his very sick and I'm running out of things to help him so I know I'll have to say goodbye soon but for now I'll have a good time with him before that comes welcome to the life of y/n l/n..

I woke up rubbing my eyes stupid idea you would think I would know not to do that with sand on my hands "ughh" I ran to the water I had in the bathroom taking a water bottle pouring on my eyes taking a towel drying my face I got up getting myself ready as I used 3 water bottles to wash my hair haven't down that in forever my hair was h/c and h/l
I went to the sink cleaning my face brushing out my hair as I let it air dry I walked over to the kitchen as I went to my mini garden I grabbed 10 pieces of lettuce leaves and a carrot I went munching on the lettuce yes it wasn't much but it was what it had to do I walked over "good morning shadow" I smiled walking over to my bourse he laid on the floor he was a lazy one sometimes "here I got you some food" I feed him the carrot "hungry aren't you yeah me too" I sadly sighed "but it's all we have for now shadow everyone left us your the only person left for me" I got up kissing his head before I left he wasn't really the loud type unless he saw me in danger or what he thought was danger shadow was very over protective which helped since my dad left when I was nine shadow was the one to take care of me today I had to go to the store well what's left of the bloody stores anyway I got my gun and knives putting them in my pocket and knife holster on my thigh I had black shorts on with a cream color cropped tank top with black combat boots I took my black ribbon tying it pulling my hair up into a messy pony tail "hey shadow ready for a food run!" I yelled hearing fast horse like stepping "come on now boy" I said getting on shadows back as we headed towards the store

We got to the store slowing down as we approached it sometimes this place had crank but if we were lucky today there wouldn't be any I got off shadows back "remember if you see a crank and I can't get back start running get back to the house" I always told shadow this but he always protested scoffing in disagreement I slowly pulled out my gun taking a step into the store there wasn't basically any food but water there was well not a lot but water non the less I made my way towards the water slowly grabbing it trying out not make much noise CRACK! I stepped on a branch "shi* I grabbed the water running as I looked behind me cranks three to be exact I pulled my gun shooting one as I came out the store climbing up shadow "SHADOW GO GO!" I yelled which he did I held onto him as he was running fast I took my gun shooting another crank down and then the final one "it's okay shadow I got them" I said trying to calm shadow down he slowed down a bit but still running back to the house I brushed my hands threw shadows mane as we got back I hoped off his back putting the waters inside taking one and putting it into his bowl "you did good shadow" as I walked to my room laying down I let out a heavy sigh you know sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have someone here like a person person but wicked took all the kids well except me and the rest dying to the flare or still cranks how long could I keep going like this at least shadow was here for now I closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep not sure if I wanted or didn't wanna see what came in my life next

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now