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We were sitting around the fire finally we made it to safe heaven but truly at what cost the one true person I cared for gone I took the note she had gave me from my pocket not had read it yet I was hesitant but opened the folded piece of paper as I started to read
Dear aris if this made it to you then chances are I didn't make it but that's a fate I knew I would eventually have I kept a promise to jake that I would get him out I know crazy me making promise but I did and I plan on keeping this one hopefully by the time you read this I have kept that promise take care of him for me he needs someone and i know you would get along with him well aris the moment I saw you I knew I liked you you made me happy a feeling no human gave me in a long time you did and words can't describe how grateful I am for that please live aris live the life you deserve to have with the others and hopefully I've saved newt by then too so Sonya can have her brother yeah if you didn't know Sonya and newt are siblings shocked me too I love you aris truly hopefully I was able to you that in person thank you for everything
Love y/n

Tears fell down my eyes as I finished the note but I couldn't help but smile I missed her put I knew she was happier and that she wouldn't want to see me sad so I'll live for her like she told me too I'll live I'll take care of jake and maybe one day I'll see you again

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now