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Janson walked into the room I felt a pit of anger in my stomach that bastard lied to them "hello everyone I know we are not exactly on the best terms but I only came to inform you about you regaining your memory well you three since y/n was never in the maze trails she did not get her memory speaking of which y/n come with me" I fought every urge to not tackle this man right then and there but there were guard with guns I didn't feel like getting shot after just getting out that torture room I followed him out the room as the said three glared at me the whole way out the door I mean on one side I couldn't blame them I did tell them to kill Minho b-but I didn't want to ugh why was I so weak so stupid I kept blaming myself in my head even tho I knew damn well I couldn't keep going if I told them not to kill Minho I sighed as Janson lead me into a tiny metal room sitting down in a chair as he motioned me to sit on the one across I did so not looking up at him "y-" I cut him off " you lied to them you lied to all 3 of them you bastard you know I didn't want to I wasn't even with Teresa!" I saw a nasty smirk form on  janson's face "oh y/n like I said I wasn't the one who said to kill him was I they won't trust you now that video also didn't only make it to just them 3 but everyone else back at the right arm or what's left of it " he scoffed "it even made it to Aris" I froze at his mention of aris I didn't want to believe it if aris saw that video would he trust me who I'm i kidding of course he wouldn't non of them would "you bastard you took everything from me now them to why what did I ever do to you what did we ever do to you" "well it's simple them we need the cure but you" he stoped smirking "you shouldn't have ran" his faced dropped serious "take her" he spoke the guards came grabbing me "no let go of me let go!" The guards dragged me to a room throwing me in leaving closing the door I felt my eye tear up as tears ran down my face "why" was the only thing that I could say why them why me why just why I cried not knowing what to do I know the others will come for the others but now that they have seen that video I can't tell you if they'll come for me I mean why should they come for the murder I calmed down after a while wiping my tears I took a deep breath "if they aren't gonna help me then I guess I'll have to get outta here myself I have to find the tape there has to be an original tape for them to make a fake one now I just need to find it" I confirmed to myself I just needed to figure out how I thought for a while devising a plan I needed to steal a keycard from a guard or something when the rest of the guys came I needed to break out with them since there would be too much commotion for them to only focus on me I thought of every equation I could think of every way the guys could break in this plan wasn't the smartest but my only choice my hope is that they'll let me come with them if I have the tape I need to figure out where the hell they keep those tapes when it hit me "the security room of course janson was always talking about how he needed to go there when I was in that torture room it must be in there" question remains where the hell is the security room I decided to ignore my thoughts for now and laid down on the cold metal floor closing my eyes I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in as I let my  sleepyness take me

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now