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Aris -
We got back in the berg I didn't know what to think what to do with my self my thoughts were all over the place I didn't know what to believe at this point just seeing her getting hurt I couldn't help but second guess she wasn't the type of person to kill someone like that she wouldn't would she ? My thoughts got Interrupted as voices started talking
"Glad y'all made it back not to scratched up well some at least" Brenda spoke "how are you 3 long time no see" she asked "I guess were okay that little son of a b* y/n tho ugh just seeing her face makes me wanna punch her" Minho spoke I felt my blood starting  to boil "I never knew she had it in her that bloody bastard"newt added at this point it was a battle between what I truly believed "should've left her with a precious horse in the first place she provably worked for them all along I mean come on out of all kids she was the one able to hide I call bs she just used us just like Teresa" Minho exclaimed I saw Thomas clench his fist at the last part As unexplainable anger filled me up they kept talking back and forth sharing comments until I couldn't take it anymore it was all to much "can y'all just shut up!" I yelled as they went silent looking at me i could tell Thomas was conflicted on what to do I couldn't blame him it was a lot all at once "what you afraid your little girlfriends gonna get hurt" Minho spoke glaring as he walked up to me "clearly you still like her and care about her heck I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of them yourselves now that I recall it you and Teresa were awful talkative when we first got out of the faculty building who's to say you didn't have your own little plans I mean Teresa had her memory and never told no one who's to say you didn't have the same a week in that place a no one gave you your memory back really I don't buy it and not to mention you and Teresa have a very similar background she was the only girl with all guy and you the only boy with all girls now ain't that interesting" Minho spoke as his voice traced with venom I glared at him "you really think I'm lying fine do as you wish but I refuse to believe y/n would do such a thing and all the prove you have a stupid tape form who wicked? the same people that lied to you all your life that's who you choose to believe" I spoke  annoyance filling my every word but no one seemed to budge I looked at Harriet  and Sonya "Harriet Sonya ?" I asked hoping they would side with me but they all had their minds set but now I knew I had mine to I heard Brenda sigh as right after she noticed something " wait what that?" She asked pointing at the tape "it's some tape y/n slid over to us when we got out" newt explained "shouldn't we check it out" fry asked almost in a statement "hold on" Brenda spoke leaving the room then coming back with a tape player that
Connected to a projector she took the tape "original trail -y/n" she read she slid the tape in "it says it can't play the tape somethings wrong with it" she explained Minho and Sonya ticked their tongues "probably a dumb fake tape" Minho spoke clearly not having any of this I for one really couldn't take it anymore as I got up leaving the room as the door slammed shut behind me I walked past where Jorge was "hey you good hermano " he spoke I turned to him as my face became sad I shook my head no walking away before he could speak any further I went up to one of the windows looking down "I'll find you even if it kills me even if I'm wrong about you I'll find you" wicked wasn't dumb they would move them to a new location that's what made them to hard to find in the first place they were always moving but that never stopped me before it sure as hell isn't gonna stop me now she risked her life for me for everyone on here yet no one has done the same for her she always takes the bullet for things she shouldn't have to I just wished I would've realized that sooner I sat on a box as I looked out the window at the passing bits of rubble and sand as the sunset hit the night approaching I sighed as a single tear fell down my face one I didn't even notice was there I wiped it off "I need to get of this berg I need a plan......

Hope your liking it so far I feel like this chapter is a not that good sorry I promise it will get better and I'm sorry for not posting very fast I have a lot of exams this week so just bare with me for a bit and good luck for those who have exams 🤍see you soon sticks;)

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