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We ran down the burning building as fast we could when we turned the corner yelling became clearer louder sounds of grunting we ran after toward it when newt and Thomas came into view but this time it seemed like time had stopped like a ticking time bomb was going off in my head making ever second every millisecond a difference between life and death my vision was getting blurry as I was pushing ever last bit of me to keep going Thomas had a gun pointed at newt newt clearly not himself I ran knowing the odds I ran as I heard aris yell for me to stop the panic in his voice killing me but they deserved to live all of them I've told myself from the moment I got the serum I would help them even if that meant taking my last breath in doing so I ran my legs going as fast the could I help the needle firmly in my grasp I quickly jumped in front of newt and jabbing the needle into his arm injecting the cure when bang* the ringing filled my ears "NOOO!" I heard aris scream Bloody murder i looked down at my stomach blood coming out fast I looked at newt who was realizing what had happened turning back into himself hands shaking I grabbed the paper with the information about his sister in my pocket founded up I put it in his hand when I turned in the direction of aris tears filled my eyes he was running over to me fast he could but I could do it my body couldn't do it I collapse onto the ground coughing up blood my vision switching from normal to blurry over and over aris got over to me balling his eyes out jake crying next to him "no please please don't do this please I need you" aris cried out the pain in his voice made my heart break "y/n please I love you please" aris cried more and more holding me as tight he could "ar aris I love you too but I can't my my body can't aris" my voice shaking "no please" "aris please have a good life okay please for me have a good life" "no no" aris cried "y/n please don't go" I heard jakes low voice crying I slightly smiled the best smile I could possible pull up for him "I kept my promise jake I got you out first promise I ever agreed to in a long time please don't be sad" I cried looking back at aris the little life in me draining by the second I put my hand to his cheek "I I love you I alway will" tears falling from aris face he kissed me I kissed back the last kiss we would ever have we didn't have much time together life is bitch like that but one things certain no matter how many times we got split apart no matter how many heart breaks no matter how much pain we still found each other in the end and that's what I Truly cared for right now at least I left this world with the person I loved at infront of me i pulled away from the kiss I grabbed the note from my pocket putting it in his hand and with my last breath in me "goodbye aris" my body dropped limp vision going black as the last thing I heard was the cries of aris when everything went silent as once again everything felt so real..
And then I snapped out of it as I saw raindrops falling down my car window I felt the sad music playing from my head phones I was stuck here
You wonder why cat never truly caught the Mouse that's because the mouse was never there to begin with this is the end to my story y/n's story the story of my imagination In this story I was never meant to stay just a fix a cope to all the evil that had already been done or so that what I tell myself but at the end of the day we're all just kids running from our own worlds hoping our imagination can save us but once we realize a moment of reflection that's it's all in our heads we almost feel empty worthless even the mind is a powerful place it can make you believe things that aren't there too much of something can hurt you that was most of our mistakes cause now most of us can't go a day without imagining so far much that our own imaginations break us into a million pieces by a simple cross of words
Although some may think sad ending are the worst the ones that hold the most pain and sorrow The ones we all dread to see not all stories can have happy ending or should I say happily every afters you know it I know it it's how life works we make up these stories as an escape from all of it but what happens when the stories turn on you too what do you do then we'll I guess that's for you to decided isn't it so what's next?....

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now