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Y/n -
I tried to fight back but in the end it was no use I stopped struggling as the guards dragged me back what was next I asked myself even if they did see the tape who's to say they'd believe it who's to say they'd come back I sighed as the guard sat me on a metal chair I looked down at my feet waiting as the cold air of the room brushed my skin sending goosebumps all over my body it sent the slightest shiver up my spine I heard the door creak open with a loud thumb as it closed I didn't have to look up to know who the bastard was who entered the room I could practically smell him and his rat stench "I got to give it to you you're a clever one" he's voice echoed through the room I scoffed at the 'compliment' "but sadly as I expected as I'm sure you expected they left you behind funny isn't it even the one you love" i clenched my fist as to who he was referring to "don't you dare bring him into this" I looked at him shooting dangers through my glare he simply grinned oh how much I wanted to slap that off him "but even tho I doubt they'll come looking for you they know where we are therefore we must move locations I just came in here to warn you you shouldn't have done what you did" he lowered his voice at the last part making it sound eerie id be lying if I said it didn't scare me a bit of what they thought of doing to me now with that he got up leaving leaving me to wonder what they had in mind for me as the guards instructed me into a soundproof room it was horrible when they closed the doors there was no sound nothing I mean obviously but this amount of silence could make one go mad hours passed I walked back and forth I was hot ,hungry ,tired and all I could hear now was this loud annoying rigging that just wouldn't stop "ughhh can this reigning stop" I started hitting both my ears in attempt to hear anything but that sound but nothing I sighed dropping to the floor in defeat I knew they weren't coming to give me food for some time I mean they didn't before why would they now I didn't know what to do with myself no thoughts came it was just blank a white canvas was all that I saw as I closed my eyes in a way it was scary every time I blinked all I saw was the white of the canvas fill my eyes with I hated the dark but right now that's all I wished for I was tired I wanted to sleep but I knew that wouldn't come to me anytime soon then my mind wondered off to one thing "you shouldn't have done what you did" I thought of the words as they repeated in my head as a way of my Mind taunting me for my stupid actions but I knew I wouldn't have done any different if I could turn back the clock I would help everyone before myself why was I like that I can't tell you but I was even with shadow he always came first to me and even then I'm the one who's still alive did I even want to be alive anymore I mean no ones gonna come for me I scoffed a short sad/annoyed laugh "funny I spent all my life running from people that wanted me and now look at me no body wants me funny how life works isn't it" i looked at my hands as I didn't even realize I was scraping leaving little bits of blood as I felt a slight sting you think it would hurt but it almost felt satisfying it felt like I was actually feeling something after being here I felt so numb I looked at my hands and arms as they were thin from the malnutrition I was getting my ribs slightly showing as I looked at my stomach I sighed attempting to close my eyes but to no surprise I was met my that white canvas but this time I didn't care for it my tiredness got to me as my body became lose I took one last deep breath before I let myself sleep for how ever long I was gonna be here who's to tell?......

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now