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Aris -
I waited till is was dark as we hand landed for the night I had a plan for now at least we weren't far from what I believe is the last city the one place that was talked about during or findings trying to find a he others the first time around it was the only place left with 'life' although getting in wouldn't be what you call easy I waited till everyone fell asleep as I grabbed my bag and gun heading to the opening of the berg it was dark as I stubbled over trying to find the light switch I felt around as I felt it and flicked it on I was shocked to see Thomas with his arms crossed almost as if waiting for me "I'm coming with you" he spoke "what?" "I'm coming your not going out there alone and frankly I don't think y/n did it either " Thomas explained i knew he had another reason to come but I also knew he was stubborn so I just sighed giving a nod as he then clicked the button to open the berg as the doors came open with a cold breeze coming in "ready?" Thomas asked "ready as I'll ever be" I answered as we stepped out the berg just when I thought the cost was clear "where do you think your bloody bastards are going alone" I heard the thick British accent knowing instantly who it was me and Thomas turned around to see newt fry and Minho leaning against the opening of the berg I was more surprised by Minho as of now he hated y/n's guts "we-" I got cut of by fry "going to find y/n we know" "as much as I'm not sure if that tape is real you two are not about to go alone out there" Minho explained "but-" Thomas got cut by newt "no buts let's go" I heard Thomas sigh next to me but we continued on heading to the tunnel that lead to the last city

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As we got to the tunnel we took a stop catching our breaths from all the walking "look I don't wanna sound negative here but if I was a crack that's exactly where I'd be" newt spoke "well it's our only way in" I explained as I heard Minho sigh as we then headed inside we slowly made our way in nothing came no sounds until we were half way into the tunnel that we heard grunting noises "s*" I mumbled under my breath as slow moving was starting to become louder we all looked around seeing crank argued crank pop out of their hiding spots "RUN!" Thomas yelled as we all started booking it to the end of the tunnel I pulled out my gun shooting a few cranks down when we just thought we were gonna be okay a crowd of cranks came from the other side we were surrounded "aris pass me the gun!" Fry yelled as I threw the gun over to him he shot and shot but soon ran out of bullets "great what now" BEEP BEEP! The sound of a car horn went of I looked to my side to see a car speeding through crushing cranks in the process the came to a stop in front of us "Brenda?!" Thomas spoke "yeah dumbass get in" we did so as the started driving and shooting there way through making our way out the tunnel Jorge had a grin on his face of pride "how did y'all manage to get a car" Minho asked "we have our ways" Brenda explained with a grin we stopped a few miles forward as the sun slowly came up by the slightest bit newt and Thomas jumped out the car looking over edge of the mountain we were on talking to each other's words I didn't frankly care to identify I sat at the back of the car my mind filling with thoughts and emotions all going into one ball of a mess I wondered if she was okay or if maybe she was telling herself a joke that made her smile a smile that could brighten up any room she walked into I sure hoped that was the case even though deep down the pain in my sunken heart said otherwise everyone made there way back into the car as Jorge drove off down the mountain as I for one stayed silent looking at the sun rise imagining how much better it would be if she was here with me I'm sure she would find it pretty probably call it cotton candy I scoffed a quite sad yet slight happy laugh as the thought came to my head

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We made it to the doors well looked more like huge border but that's besides the point we walked past  bunch of shouting people as we came closer to the doors we looked around as the crowd came over to where we were making it hard to move us getting separated in the process as we tried to make our way through I stopped as I noticed what looked like guards but not wicked guards I don't think but who's to say at this point "we got company" I shouted to Brenda as she was the closest she warned everyone else seconds later BOOM! The sound of bombs being thrown we all started running back getting pushed by the crowds as well as trying to stay away from the guards I saw one grab Thomas as I felt a hand grip tightly onto my wrist I turned to see a guard "let go!" I yelled they didn't listen dragging me as well as the others throwing us into different cars in the back before any of us could yell or do anything the closed the back doors as the car started driving I sighed in annoyance as to not knowing what was gonna happen next the car came to a stop after five minutes as I heard locks from the back door being unlocked the doors opened guards grabbing us and throwing us out "ugh" I groaned as I hit the ground in slight pain as I hit my shoulder on the hard ground "WHERE ARE THEY!" A yell came from next to me I looked over as o got myself up Jorge was beating a guard Brenda quickly went over to him getting him off calming him down "Jesus why so ruff with them" an unfamiliar voice came from one of the guards as they took of their mask I heard a few gasp when then newt spoke "galley?!"

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now