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I slowly woke up the next morning arms still wrapped around me and one still playing with my hair I turned facing aris "mornin airy " "morning" he smiled I hugged him tight I heard I got up my hair all messy "hey aris do they have a brush here?" He nodded reaching for a brush at a table giving it to me I tried brushing it but it was painful he went up to me grabbing the brush " here sit I'll help" "you know how to brush girls hair?" "Well I was in a maze with all girls for some heck of a time so I'm pretty good at it" his accent was so adorable I swear "did you have a girlfriend?"I kinda got sad at what he might say"No I didn't I never liked any of them like that more like sisters why?" He had a questionable look "o-oh no reason" "you sure" he had almost a grin on his face but I just ignored it "y-yeah" he was done brushing my hair now braiding it "can I ask you something" he spoke "yeah" "why do you only stutter around me I mean you never do around the others?" "I-I" I stood up tying the braid "no reason" I spoke quickly getting out the tent blushing really bad but I bumped into someone a girl with blonde hair "oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" "hey it's all good names Sonya you?" " I'm y/n" "omg your that girl that aris brought in yesterday omg I soo ship you two" I started blushing a lot "you do?" " omg who wouldn't" "here come you can meet the other girls" she grabbed my hand pulling me somewhere she stoped in front of 2 girls one with short hair and one with dark skin and pretty long hair "hey guys this is y/n" saying the last part with a smirk which the other girls giggled at "hey I'm Brenda this is Harriet" "hello" I spoke quietly "hey we are practicing different types of shooting and fighting today do you perhaps know how to shoot or fight" Sonya asked "yeah I do" I said still shyness in my voice "what can you do?" She spoke as she lead us to the weapons area "I can throw knives shoot bow and arrow etc" "wait you can shoot a bow and arrow?" Sonya asked "Yeah" "you gotta show me" "sure" she handed me the stuff as a picked a target I looked at it pulling back and letting go the arrow hit it straight on which made a lot of people turn looking at me "how did you?" Harriet spoke impressed "i don't know I learned it from a young age from my dad" "here shoot at the target" Brenda handed me a gun intrigued I took it shooting three times not missing a shot "bloody hell okay" Sonya spoke which made me laugh at her British accent "someone's got an eye on a certain someone" Harriet spoke as we looked up in the direction she was looking at aris was sitting on a hill looking over I smiled waving at him which he waved back "y'all are so cute it hurts" Sonya was really fangirling right now I just brushed it off for the rest of the day all I could think about was aris did he really not like any of the girls in his maze I mean I bet there were much prettier girls than me why would he like me he seemed awkward when I asked him to stay too maybe he just did it to be nice I even kissed Him on the cheek once I'm such an idiot"ugh i don't know" I said frustrated I was on the cliff of the hill I threw myself back laying my back against a wall "hey" I turned it was aris "hello" "you seemed bummed out what's wrong" "o-oh it's nothing" he looked sad that I didn't tell him but it's not that I didn't trust him it's just how could I talk to him about me liking him when he probably doesn't feel the same "you can trust me you know I won't say anything" he spoke in a low voice "no it's not that I don't trust you it's just.." "just?" "It-it's about you" he looked up at me a little shocked "did I do something wrong?" "No no that's not it at all well um" "it's because I-I"  "you?" "I like you okay aris and I know it's stupid cause you probably don't like me back I mean why would you I sure there was many other cute nice girls in the maze better than me so-" he cut me off smashing his lips onto mine grabbing my waist I kissed him back putting my hands around his neck we moved in sync it felt like butterfly's were in my stomach he really kissed me he pulled away "I like you too I have since the day I saw you no other girl will ever be as beautiful as you are to me" I smiled blushing kissing him quickly then hugging him he picked me up putting me on his lap I wrapped my legs around his waist putting my head on his shoulder he played with my hair again taking it out of the braid I lifted my head off his shoulder quickly kissing his cheek then putting my head back he scoffed a laugh holding me with one hand by my waist incase so I wouldn't fall I felt so safe with him "OMG ARE YALL TOGETHER!" Some one screamed we both turned it was Sonya we both blushed "I don't know are we?" Aris spoke looking at me with a grin I kissed his cheek nodding "EEEHH YES BRENDA HARRIET MINHO NEWT FRYYYY IVE GOT GREAT NEWSSSS!" She screamed running down the mountain we looked over at where the guy were as Sonya was pointing up at us they looked up some smirking some mouth wide open in shock I got embarrassed turning away blushing putting my face hiding it on Aris's shoulder he scoffed a laugh "your cute when you blush" I blushed even more not daring to look at him he moved my face to look at him he smiled "see cute" he kissed my forehead I soon fell asleep on his lap

Hey sticks hope your enjoying the story although this is an aris based account because my boy don't get the love he deserves some times I do plan on doing some newt and other maze runner ff so let me know if you want someone in specific next ;)

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