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Next day I woke up which now that I think about it I didn't even remember going to sleep oh well I shrugged it off waking up jake "hey jake it's morning or what I assume to be morning since it's pitch black" jake moved around but finally deciding to get up I heard a knock more like a bang but tomato tomahto "yes" I spoke as the door opened reveling someone I didn't wanna see in a long time my dad "oh it's you" I said with a disgusted face "brought you two some food" he spoke "oh how nice" I said in a clearly sarcastic tone he put the plate on the group leaving there wasn't much on the one plate one apple and half a grilled cheese I took the plate giving it to jake I was starving I haven't eaten in days but he was a little kid I could hold it "what about you?" Jake asked me "oh it's fine I'm not hungry you eat it you'll need it" alight turned on but it was barely lit it  gave just enough light for me to see jake from a close distance but it kept flickering off and on "that light is creepy" jake spoke "yeah I guess it is" I laughed a little when jake reached out his hand in front of me handing me something he had cut the half slice of grilled cheese in half shaping the half he gave to me into a heart  "aww thank you" I said taking the slice "no problem you need to eat too" he smiled in which I returned as we ended up taking the apple and splitting it in half for both of us "hey can you tell me more stories about your life before you got caught" "sure what would you like to hear?" "Umm well did you ever meet anyone out there" I paused for a moment "actually yeah I did these group of friends they came running away from wicked as they were once in a maze like you too I helped them out and they helped me out in a way it was like a family I never really had we had a few laughs here and there" "what were their names they sound fun?" I giggled "yeah well ones name is Thomas very smart yet dumb character  then there's Minho sassy one ,newt acts like a mom very sweet ,Sonya very hyper Harriet she is very much a definition of leader head strong then there's aris he well he is a very kind person shy and goofy at times" "sounds like aris is special to you" "yeah he is" "is he your boyfriend" jake said with a smirk "hey! Take that smirk off your face" jake started laughing me joining "and as a matter a fact he is" although we didn't get to spend much together did we things just don't work how you wish them to out here "hey wanna play a game" i asked jake "sure what?" "Have you heard of tic tac toe" jake shook his head a no "here let me show you"

Last night*
Teresa was taking the chip out of everyone "hey Teresa can I ask you something" "yeah sure what is it aris" "was the tape real" the minute I said that everyone tuned in listening for the response "what tape?" "The tape of you and y/n before you came over here the one where you guys decided to kill Minho" "what what are you taking about in haven't even seen y/n until today" everyone took a moment of realization the tapes weren't real y/n- s* "did you know anything about what was happening to y/n before you guys came to the last city" I asked not sure if I wanted to hear the response Teresa looked down as she finished taking Thomas's chip "I- I did but it's not anything good I tried to help her but they would even let me get close to the same level of her room guards always watching it but I did see the recordings they took of her for study they Um well they tied her to a medical bed but not like the ones Minho Sonya and Harriet were on she was in one that would basically shock your body with different level of extreme pain then did that to her day after day barely giving her food all that was heard from her room all around the building was her screaming you wouldn't physically get hurt but you would feel as if hammers were being hit on your body cursing your bones I never understood why they did it but one thing is she did tell them to kill Minho but not in the way you think along with these pains each one had a level each being worse then the next but she had a choice they would show one of the 3 Minho Sonya or Harriet on the screen she would have to choose kill them or take the pain she always choose herself never once did she not but when she reached level 10 the highest one they put Minho on the screen knowing it would be the worst one to kill if she had to she again choose herself but the pain was so bad the without thinking she said kill him unfortunately janson heard and before she could tell him to not do it she saw your body get 'killed' she was crying for hours that's all I knew from that"
Teresa finished explaining I felt my eyes become watery i I left her there when they I looked at the others who were In just as much shock Minho looked guilty I left the room as the door closed behind me I felt tears go down my eyes I should have never doubted you I'm so sorry I heard the door behind me open I wiped my tears Turing around to see Minho "I'm sorry I-" "it's fine we all made the mistake of trusting wicked it's not your fault" I assured him he nodded as I just walked back inside not wanting to speak on it any further just wanted to get this whole thing over and done with I wanted to see her hug her hold her like my life depended on it

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now