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I stepped away from the boys "Y/n?" Teresa whispered smirking "w-what" "are you blushing?" She whispered so no one could hear "n-no no I'm not" I looked down "oh don't deny it I saw it" "do you find Aris over there attractive" "I-I um n-no" "oh really then why you stuttering and I just realized you only have ever stuttered around aris so far" she smirked "w-what no no I haven't" shiz my voice was betraying me right now "mmhmm yes you have" "okay fine maybe I do find him attractive so?" "Ha I knew it don't worry I already ship it I'll help you out" she grinned "what wait um" "hey don't worry I got you" "but you guys are leaving tomorrow" I said in a sad tone "well you can come" "I can?" "Yeah of course you can" "thanks Teresa" "no problem girly" "do you like anyone here" I asked her she tensed up "I...well yeah I do" "who?!" "Thomas" she spoke playing with her thumbs "ooo that would be so cute" I squealed "really you think so" "no I know so" I smiled at her as she smiled back to me

With the boys at the table*
Aris POV
I sat at the table with newt Thomas Minho and fry I can't lie y/n looked really cute like Teresa had said wait what I'm I thinking I just met her taking a drink of my water "soo Aris you and y/n" Minho spoke smirking causing me to spit out my water coughing "w-what?" The guys laugh "oh come on we all saw the way you looked at her" newt spoke raising his eyebrow "I have no clue what your on about" "sureee" Thomas spoke "says the one in love with Teresa" I mumbled but just loud enough for them to hear me they laughed Thomas just blushed and glared at me as I took a sip of my water "hey guys can y/n come with us tomorrow?!" We looked over Teresa and y/n pocking their head out from behind the wall "sure"Thomas answered y/n looked at Teresa smiling god she was adorable Jesus Aris get it together

"Sure" Thomas spoke I smiled at Teresa "hey guys come I'll show you where you guys can sleep I have extra beds" they all got up as I lead them to the attic I pulled the latter down climbing up as they did so too there were 8 mattresses up there so enough for everyone "okay pick a bed" they all went and got on a bed as we were all tired Teresa got one to the left of me as aris went to one to the right of mine everyone else was across the room in there own beds some already closing their eyes to welcome the darkness I laid down turning over to my right as my eye met Aris I blushed but it was dark so you couldn't see it I smiled as he smiled back "night airy" "huh?" "Airy I'll call you that from now on" I smiled "cute" he responded I blushed closing my eyes welcoming sleep

I was walking around with shadow in the middle of the scorch it was hot and shadow looked like he was doing horrible then a crank came running to us I screamed as it jumped onto me and another one on shadow bitting him "shadow!" I yelled then the scene switched and it was my mom in a chair she was turning into a crank blood coming out her mouth "mommy please don't leave" "I'm sorry sweetie but you need to go wicked is coming you can't let them get to you okay" I nodded crying as my mom finally turned I ran out the room closing the door crying "I love you mom"
End of dream*
I snapped my eyes open slightly gasping as tears when down my face everyone was still asleep I got up trying to not make noise as I went down heading over to the room where shadow was he was sleeping but breathing heavy I sat down next to him crushing my hand threw his mane "I really want you to be okay" I started crying when I heard the door crack open I looked up my tear filled eyes met Aris "hey what's wrong" he spoke worried going over to me "i- I had a nightmare and shadows sick and I don't know how to help him I don't have medicine to give to him" I started crying more Aris pulled me into a tight hug "hey hey it's okay I'm right here and we will try to get shadow help okay it's okay" I nodded crying into his chest I hugged him back which took by surprise a little but then hugged me tighter "it's okay" he brushed his hand through my hair calming me down "thanks airy" "no problem" I aid my head on his lap as he stroked my hair causing me to fall asleep but before I did the last thing I felt was Aris kiss my forehead as I smiled falling into deep sleep no nightmares came

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now