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It was getting harder to breath every passing second the feeling it felt so surreal the pain in every inch of my body just getting worse with each step I took i ran into a big area on the building unfortunately for me filled with guards "shi*" I breathed out this a scalpel wasn't gonna do shi* in this situation I looked around panicked I had to get something quick before they noticed there's no way I'd no unnoticed through there I looked to my left a table what the hell im I- I cut myself off thinking of something I grabbed the metal leg of the table and started kicking the wooden top parts in hopes of snapping it off "HEY GET OVER HERE!" I looked behind me guard coming my way oh come on y/n break this damn thing I kicked it with all the force I possible could *snap* it came of making my hand in which was holding it swung back in my luck hitting a guard that was inches from grabbing me there was 5 guards just waiting to knock me up side the head honestly at this point try me b* I took the pole running to one of the guards hitting their arm making them drop their gun I grabbed it quick as another guard was running up behind me tackling me to the ground I elbowed him in the face making him fall off me taking the gun shooting him in the chest which made him have electric shocks "don't feel so good does it now" I said out of breath my vision was starting to get blurry I was tired I don't know how long my body can do this for I pointed the launcher at the other 3 guards In which they had pointed at me one shot at me I moved to the side avoiding it then shooting his side making him fall to the ground another guard came running behind me with a knife I grabbed he's a twisting it back then kicking him in the stomach in which made him fall back against the wall I shot him just in case he got back up I turned to shoot the other guard but all I got was clicking sounds damn it I'm out of bullets the guard wasn't tho I dropped my gun down to the floor I didn't know what to do he had an advantage I heard a shot scared I shut my eyes but noting I didn't feel any pain no shock I opened my eyes the guard on the floor being electrocuted what?I looked to my side I I couldn't what? Aris? It felt like time froze "Y/n!!" I looked at the voice and it was Jake running over to me "Jake hey you okay" I said with a joyful yet relieved tone crouched down hugging him "yeah but you're bleeding" "yeah yeah don't worry I'm fine" "y/n" I heard my name I turned to look up aris was there standing tears in his eyes my eyes got watery I stood up hugging him tight he hugged me back even tighter "I didn't think that I would see you again" I said crying into his chest "y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't I shouldn't have left you I'm so sorry" I felt the pain in his voice i pulled away from the hug bringing my hand to his cheek wiping his tears "hey it okay I don't blame you didn't know okay it's not your fault" there was so much pain in his eyes that it hurt me he pushed his lips onto my mine kissing me in which I kissed back this was far more than just a normal kiss it was passionate but a sense of longing from both of us was clear we pulled away from the kiss we couldn't help the slight smile that came from both of us "so I was right that is your boyfriend ah I'm so smart" I heard Jake exclaim I let out a slight laugh "yes very smart you are" I replied "but we have to get out of here they're after us aris where's newt did he happen to come with you?" "Yes but he's with Thomas and Minho why?" "I have the cure I know he has the flare Ava told me but I have to get this to him before it's too late" aris nodded heading for the elevator it was the fastest way down without being seen I grabbed jakes hand so he wouldn't be scared as we entered the elevator as the doors went close I felt aris grab my other hand holding it tight he looked at me as I did him and smiled god I really did miss him no matter how much I tried to ignore the fact that I did i really couldn't ask for a better person to be by my side I truly do love him

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now