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I've been driving for 3 days I managed to rip of some parts of my sleeve to wrap around my thigh to somewhat stop the bleeding I wasn't far maybe half a days walk I could sleep for these 3 days everytime I would try all I could see was shadows lifeless body the one thing that kept me safe that took care of me was the one thing I couldn't save aris said we could get him help but I should have known better like I said to Thomas promises never work out here I was just stupid for thinking that maybe this one would come true I mean if there was a bright side no cranks yet and good that because I don't think I can take on a crank right now I kept I got up slowly limping over to the car getting in I turned the car on started driving I drove for what felt like 10 minutes when the car stopped I looked at the gas "damn it it's out of fuel great timing" i glared at the car wheel at if it was gonna do anything I sighed getting out my I started to walk well limp after a couple hours I was close the sun was starting to set I was about 10 minutes away from the mountains my leg wanted to snap of it burned with every step my shoulder stung like lava was getting poured onto my skin but I was too close to give up now after about 10 minutes I made it to the bottom of the mountain as it was now dark it would be a hard time getting up the mountain I just reminded myself they could be up there I started hiding up the mountain my limp only becoming worse i I was almost up when I saw a shadow of a few people I weakly smiled at the fact that someone anyone one was up there but I fell on my hands and knees in pain of walking anymore which caused one of them to look back it seemed like a guy but my vision was becoming blurry they started to walk over when I heard "y/n!?" The last thing I saw was a face it was aris "a-aris" I whispered falling unconscious

. . .
I woke up as I felt someone holding my hand I slowly opened my eyes to see myself in a tent no one inside I looked over Aris was asleep holding my hand I smiled weakly I pulled my hand over stroking his hair which he slowly woke up opening his eye "y/n your awake" I smiled at him he engulfed me into a hug which took me by surprise but I soon hugged him back "missed you too dork" he scoffed a laugh "you never change" "nope" "and sha-" i cut him off by shaking my head in a no tears started to brim my eyes he took me into a hug "hey it's okay he's in a better place now" he spoke stroking my hair I nodded into his chest it was nice to have someone someone I felt safe around he pulled away cupping my face which I blushed at wiping my tears as we locked eyes I grabbed his hand hugging him which he smiled hugging me back "you should get some sleep it's still dark" he was about to get up and leave "can you stay" I spoke quickly looking down at my hands  "you want me to stay?"  "Yeah I-I mean if you don't want to that's fine" "I umm s-sure I'll stay" I looked up as he was about to sit in the chair I grabbed his hand pulling him towards the bed "not there silly here" I looked at him he was blushing he turned blowing the light out that kept the room lit then laying down next to me I turned to him being careful of my shoulder and hugging him I think he took it by surprise "sorry" I spoke quickly letting go and turning around but then he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer as he took one hand playing with my hair I smiled closing my eyes welcoming in sleep until the next morning

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now