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We got to the bottom of the elevator I held the button for the doors before they opened "y'all ready?" I asked "yeah I have a knife" Jake replied showing the knife in his hand "you have a what?! Who gave you a knife" jakes pointed at aris aris slowly letting out an awkward smile "you gave him a knife ?!" I sighed "whatever lets go" I let go of the button as the doors slowly came open it was all crushed and messed up pieces of stuff everywhere small fires and big fires could be seen through the windows "do you have any idea where they could be?" I turned to aris "here let me" aris pulled out a walkie talkie pressing the button on the side "hey can anyone hear me" static was all that came "hello newt Thomas Minho can you guys hear me I found y/n and she has the cure but you have to tell me where newt is fast" again static was all that came "damn it" then a voice came from the walkie "hello aris" it was Thomas "yes Thomas where are you guys" aris replied "we we are behind a stone areas behind the building go to the area we are suppose to meet up to get on the berg you'll see us" "got it just hang in there" aris put the walkie in his pocket and leaded the way over the rubble of pieces falling from the building the smoke was not helping my already blurring vision I felt like I was gonna throw up for gods sake "Jake stay between me and aris" I spoke with a slight cough from the smoke Jake did so jogging between me and aris as we were headed for the exit of the building "where do you think your going" a raspy husky voice I knew all too well spoke making me aris and Jake stop turning to him "Jason" I said under my breath with the hint of anger that bastard standing there with a gun pointed at us "you don't think your getting away that easily do you" he spit out "oh yeah well goo luck stopping me rat man" I glared "you should watch your words" he pointed the gun over at Jake and shot "NOO!" I yelled but aris grabbed Jake pulling him in his direction away from the line of shot guarding him with his own body I let out a sigh of relief "you'll pay for that" I spoke clearly pissed "here!" Jake tossed over the knife to me lucky for me I grabbed it on the handle and went over to Jason he shot again but I was able to dodge it by crouching down I slid on the floor knocking him down my kicking his leg but he still had the gun firmly grasped in his hand "your not taking me down that easy" he smirked "oh yeah" I elbowed his nose making it bleed twisting his hand making him drop the gun i stoop up grabbing it  about to point it at him he tackled me to the ground "ugh" aris kicked him off me in which I grabbed the gun reloading it and shooting a gun shot straight into his head I looked over at Jake aris was covering his eyes thank god for that it wasn't exactly the prettiest view for someone that young to see "come on we gotta get to newt fast we're running out of time!" Aris nodded picking up Jake so we could go faster " we ran out the building streets filled with fires and smoke I could feel my breathing get heavier   Eyes watering from the smoke I only felt more light headed almost as if I was drifting of from my own conciseness "hey y/n you okay you look pale" aris asked clearly worried spread all over his face "yeah yeah I'm fine let's get going which way" I assured he nodded but not buying the whole thing clearly as he still looked worried we continued ruining the amount of dead bodies spread across this place was stomach turning it almost made you wanna throw up from how disturbing it was seeing all those burnt bodies I looked up at Jake which had his head buried in aris's shoulder a little kid like him shouldn't have to see or go through things like this it made my heart hurt for him he deserved so much better then what he got this world was cruel it was cruel to all of us we may act older than it may seem but at the end of the day we all are what 15 17 16 year olds who are running for their lives some even younger non of us deserved this life but it's the life the was given now all we have to do is survive but that's something that doesn't come as easy to some as it does for others does it now

The girl of the scorch--(Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now