jeno & jaemin | imagine

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here's another poly because it was requested 😌 this one is cliche too lmao. okay I have absolutely no idea, poly relationships are so unique and such but I find it so hard to write an imagine about a poly relationship lmao. what's hard is just trying to make a story line ejdbjedbjedb

ALSO next up is a nct dream reaction seeing you and Jaemin making out cause someone brought up that I didn't do Jaemin so clap your hands for that person 👏

oh and sorry for the constant updates, just trynna give more posts out incase I ever go missing for another five months-

1380 words

"how about this one?" you came out of the closet to show the outfit to your boyfriends. they both shut their phones off and takes a good look at you.

"it looks..." Jaemin got off the bed and walked towards you. he took your hand and spun you around.

"perfect" Jeno chuckles as he approaches you as well.

you received kisses from both of them on each side of cheeks. you couldn't help but blush which they took notice of pretty quickly.

"flustered?" Jaemin chuckles as he roams his hand in your hair.

"let's just go" you drag the both of them out of the room.


you arrived at Johnny's party that he was throwing. the party was for all of the boys to relieve stress from being extremely busy.

it was a very good thing for them to do. Jeno shuts the car off in the middle of the driveway. you could see the red lights beaming from outside and the music blasting from the open windows. you see a couple of people pass from inside the car. Jeno gets out of the car so does Jaemin. you open the door to get out but Jeno stops you. he pulls off his jacket and covers you to prevent you from getting cold. Jaemin canes around, takes your hand and leads you out of the car as Jeno shuts the door. the three of you enter the house and immediately you could hear chenle.

"y/n!!" he screams loudly over the loud music. you let out a laugh.

"chenle!" you embraced the young boy. you all go into the back corner where the rest of the boys were. in just a few seconds, you were all chattering.


you settled yourself on top of Jeno's lap as he's chatting with Mark and Lucas. Jaemin fiddles with your hand as he's listening to Renjun talk about a new music project he wanted to do.

although you enjoyed the company of your friends, you were ready to get out. you've been there for two hours already and you kind of just bored. it didn't really help either that neither of your boyfriends wanted to dance with you. as much as you wanted to leave, you didn't want Jeno and Jaemin to leave if they were enjoying their time. you let out a loud sigh, even though the music was blasting, Jeno could hear you. you could feel him shifting around and then after a second, his breath was hitting the back of your ear.

"are you okay?" he asked, you just gave him a small nod.

"I'm just bored" you answered back.

"we'll leave in ten minutes, promise" Jeno says before leaning back in his seat to continue talking to Mark and Lucas.

five minutes, six, seven, eight, ten, fifteen, and twenty minutes have passed. you could already tell that they weren't planning on leaving soon. you got up from his lap and headed towards the rest room. during the time you were in bathroom, you decided that you might just go home yourself by taking a cab or an Uber. you pulled out your phone which was under 10%. you clicked the Uber app and set yourself up for a car. once there was a car on its way, you went to go tell Jeno and Jaemin.

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