jaemin ; imagine

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alright, im gonna be honest you. the reason why it took me so long to update was because I spent most of the time watching Dance Moms :) well I also had a fever for the past four days so that also made me not want to update as well. plus I was getting kind of busy too. 

I do want to say that the nct zombie book has at least two chapters ready to be out and published but I might wait to put the book out next week. the only reason is because this week, I will be super busy with all my school stuff and such, I am also doing like three side projects as well which have and will take up my time. I wanted to put the book out next week towards the end of the week so I could be able to get used to going back to school and then not have to stress out about updating. I hope you all understand! 

if you happen to be starting school/college or already started, I just wanted to let you know that you got this! we all know that they can be extremely stressful and exhausting but I really hope that everyone won't get so stressed. your mental health is important! everything about you is important! I also just wanted to let you know that you're all wonderful amazing people. you're all incredibly funny and are big balls of sunshine. I'm really happy that I decided to publish this book and I'm really happy that I became an nctzen because I really would of never become the person I am today. along with all of you being here as well. I would have never seen so many hilarious, supporting and loving people here. please always know that I'll be here when you need it, you can always come into my messages to talk about anything. I know I always say this but please take good care of yourself and any close ones of yours! I hope you all have a wonderful day/night <3

sorry that I blabbered again, I didn't mean too. just wanted to let that out :) anyways continue.

1,290 words


"are you sleeping already?" Jaemin leans his body forward to take a glimpse of your face but your messy hair got in his way of seeing if you were awake or not.

"I guess you are" he mumbles to himself. he lets out a loud yawn as he flips the blanket so he could get in and sleep. 

"i'm so tired..." he yawns again while turning off the lamp on the night stand. 

"five minutes and I'll go bed" he says to himself. he grabs his phone off the night stand and lays in a comfortable position. he was scrolling down through different social media apps and reading off anything that involved nct127, nct dream, wayv, and superm. 

"get out" Jaemin was spooked due to the sudden words. he slowly sat up, his right hand was touching the lamp all over the place just to find the switch to turn it on. 

"go away" he finally finds the switch on the lamp and turned it on. his eyes darted all over the room to find out what or who was talking so late at night. 

"I said get out" it was another mumble. 

"why?" was all he could say. he still tried looking around for the source of the voice without getting out of bed. 

"stop that" Jaemin's eyes finally landed on you. 

"I thought you were sleeping?" Jaemin peered over your body to see if you had your eyes open but your hair was still in the way. he was going to remove the hair out of your face but you cut him off before he could get the chance. 

"no" you mumbled. Jaemin just shrugs it off and continues to stare at his phone. after a little while Jaemin had finally thought that you were sleeping since you weren't talking anymore. 

"i'm guessing you're sleeping now" he chuckles. 

"no" Jaemin gave you a concerning look. 

"whatever, just go to bed whenever you feel like it. goodnight" he places a kiss on your back since your back was facing his face. 

"stop" you grumble, jaemin rasied a brow.

"what's wrong?" he asked in worried tone. 

"go away, I don't need you" Jaemin sits up on the bed. 

"are you okay?" he shakes you lightly hoping you would tell him what's going on. 

"I love..." Jaemin leaned in closer to you so he could hear. 

"jeno...I..." Jaemin's eyes were wide. 

"you love jeno?" he questioned, he waited for you to say something. 

"pokemon..." you muttered. 

"hey don't go changing the subject, you don't even like pokemon" Jaemin started to shake you a little harder now. he didn't want to piss you off so he did it carefully and in way where you won't get upset. although, he should be the one upset. 

"got to...catch" 

"you're not making any sense. stop talking about pokemon" he was about to actually flip your body so he could see your face but the next words that you said surprised him. 

"marry me" 

"what- y/n, I would love to but I think we'd be moving too fast. I mean I love you very much but I don't think we are ready for marriage" Jaemin says. 

"I want you"

"well, I want you too. we'll always have each other, I mean I love you and you love me-" 

"I...catch chenle...love" 

"so you're in love with chenle too?" Jaemin mumbled. Jaemin was getting confused more and more by the second. he unlocked his phone and went straight to his contacts. 

"hyung, I think y/n is on drugs" Jaemin told Doyoung over the phone. 

"jaemin, it's two in morning" Doyoung yawns loudly. 

"yeah I know but she just said that she loves jeno and chenle. C H E N L E" Jaemin spelt out chenle's name loudly so Doyoung could hear him. 

"she most likely meant as friends" Doyoung let out another yawn. 

"you done now? I would like to go back to sleep" Doyoung grumbled, he waited for jaemin to either hang up or start talking again. 

"but-listen!" he put the phone next your face. 

"I choose...you chenle" you mumbled.

"you hear that? she's in love with him. SHE'S DREAMING ABOUT HIM AND JENO" he yells loudly which ended up making you wake up. 

"why are you yelling?" you groaned shifting your body around to see your boyfriend on the phone. 

"it's two in the morning, why are you on the phone?" you asked in a sleepy tone. 

"goodnight" Doyoung says before ending the phone call. 

"you're in love!" he points at you. you give him a confused look. 

"yeah, with you" you mumbled getting up to sit on the bed. 

"no, you're-"

"I just had the weirdest dream. I was telling you that I loved you but Jeno let go of Chenle who was a pokemon. I wanted to get married but you wouldn't accept me because Chenle escaped his pokeball so I insisted that I would go bring back Chenle just for you because I loved you too much and I just really wanted to marry you badly for some odd reason" you explained your dream that you had. all Jaemin could do was just sit there and look dumb.


"what?" you raised a brow. 

"i'm going bed, we'll talk about this in the morning" he puts his phone on the nightstand and turns off the light. 

"what do we need to talk about?" you asked. 

"in the morning" he replies back. 

"you okay?" you questioned. 

"goodnight, go to sleep" with that the conversation ended. 

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