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this is not just an imagine book! I will be including reactions, MTL's, texts, fluff, and many more! you can tell me what you want and I'll try my best to give it to you.
- could be slow updates ?
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I awkwardly kept staring at y/n. I'd tried to focus on the textbook in front of me but somehow my eyes just ended up looking at her.
She's reading, she slightly smiles as she reads. Then a piece of her hair falls down, without looking up she raises her hand to place the hair behind her ear.
I suddenly get hit on the head.
"Oww!" I rubbed my head, looking at Jeno.
"Your suppose to be studying" Jeno says sitting back down at his chair.
"Who are you looking at?" Jaemin curiously looked around.
"Is it a girl? Is it a guy?" Chenle blurts out.
"do you like guys?!" Haechan shouts loudly, causing some attention.
I see y/n watching us, she definitely heard what Haechan has said. It also doesn't help that the fact Haechan and the others are staring right at me so she probably thinks I'm gay now. I'm completely embarrassed, my face is most likely red.
"It's alright if you like guys, we still love our big baby" Renjun coos, hugging me tightly.
"So, who's the guy???" Jeno raises a brow.
"Its not a guy" I groaned.
"Well then who's the person your looking at?" Haechan kept looking around.
"Okay okay, don't make it so obvious but she's the girl that's wearing a white hoodie" they quickly turn to see her.
"I said not to make it obvious!" My voice got louder than I was expecting, y/n glances up to see all of us staring at her.
We quickly act like we were doing something, by the time I looked back she disappeared. I sulked down into my chair.
"You like y/n?" Mark questioned, I nod with a little pout.
"So, when are you gonna ask her out?" I looked at Jaemin.
"Probably, never" I played around with my pencil.
"How come?" Chenle asks.
"Well, I'm socially awkward and my body kind of dies when I talk to people so having to talk to my biggest crush and asking her out, I'll probably die" They all gave me some confusing looks, like they didn't even know what I said.
"I'm shy" I say.
"Ahh" they nod their head.
"So I'm gonna go!" I stand up.
: a few days later :
I'm finally back at the library with the guys, we all sit by the usual study table that we always sit. The door swings open, it catches my attention. I watched as y/n walks in with her friend. They giggle and talk as they sit at a table not far from us.
Only two tables apart.
"It's Jisung's crush!" Chenle shouts happily.
"Shh!" I shut him up.
"Hey y/n!" Jeno waves at y/n, she waves back then looks down her book.
"y/n!!" She glances up again.
"Did you know that Ji-" I quickly attack Mark and cover his mouth.
I could hear her giggling. I was way too focused on Mark to even notice that she had came towards us. I sat back on my chair, but my chair ends up leaning backwards. I couldn't reach out to the table on time, so I ended up falling with a big crash.
Great, I fell right in front of my crush.
"Are you okay?" I looked up to see y/n, I started choking.
"Let me help you" she reaches out, I take her hand.
She helps me stand up, she was much shorter than me. She looked so small, and so cuddly too. She looked even prettier up close, I took the time to admire everything about her.
"Jisung?" I finally snapped back to reality.
"Would you like to go on a date?" I was shocked by what she said.
"a-a date?" I choked up a bit.
"Yea" she smiles.
"He would love too!" I glance at Haechan who answered the question.
"y-yea! I would l-love too" I felt hotter than before.
"Great, here's my number! Let's text later tonight. I can't wait" she smiles walking away.
As she walks back to her friend, I watched her. I was dazed of what just happened.
"Congratulations bro!" Jeno pats my back.
"Jisung's got a girlfriend" Renjun whistles.
"I guess I do" I chuckled rubbing the back of my head.
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