nct dream ; things that.....

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nct dream
-things that I have done that they would probably do


things that I have said


renjun - was shredding old papers in my room and accidentally shredding my English essay that was due in two days


friend shows a picture of a few buildings from China she found on instagram

renjun: wheres that at?

friend: idk probably China

renjun: oh that do look like Tokyo


jeno - tried to jump over a wooden fence but got my leg stuck in between the fences and fell on the other side


jeno: what do you call a man with a rubber toe?

friend: what?

2nd friend: it's probably one of those dad jokes that she searched up online

jeno: Roberto lol you get it?!

friend: oh god not again


donghyuck - accidentally smacked a worker who was working in a haunted house on the back of the head because I was trying to use my hands and try to guide myself out


donghyuck: y'all wanna see what hairless balls looks like? *proceeds the send pictures of two blue bouncy balls*

Donghyuck: heehee


jaemin - shot a paintball at my uncles ya know because I thought the gun was empty


friend: I want to be maleficent

jaemin: I wanna be Beyoncé but I guess we can't all be things that we want to be


chenle - choked on a dumpling


chenle: I NEED HELP



jisung - got stuck on the roof for twenty minutes cause I kicked the ladder while taking off the Christmas lights


my friend reminding me about the homework the day before.

friend: did you finish?

Jisung: do you really think that I did it?

Jisung: do you really think that I did it?

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