nct dream ; reaction

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requested by @iicloudy_llama

sorry this took so long. pls excuse any spelling errors, I didn't proof read-

nct dream
-they catch you and Donghyuck making out



"would you stop moving y/n" Renjun huffed out in annoyance as he tried to do your makeup.

"well im sorry, I don't like sitting still" you mumbled.

"well you gotta stop moving before I accidentally-"

"oww renjun!" Renjun pulled back as you touch the eye Renjun just poked with a brush. Donghyuck laughed as Renjun shouted at you telling you not to mess up the eye shadow.

"this is why I told you not to move!" Renjun sighed as he puts the eyeshadow palette down.

"go take a ten minute break" Renjun says as you get off the chair. you head to the bathroom, so does your boyfriend.

"does it hurt?" Donghyuck asked as he removes your hand from your eye.

"not really, it just stings" you say.

"is it bad?" you asked him as Donghyuck snickers. you punched his shoulder as he laughs a little.

"it's just a little red that's all, don't worry" Donghyuck says, you look at the mirror to see if it was red. Donghyuck spins you around and tells you not to worry about it. he then places a kiss on your lips which soon end up to be multiple kisses on your lips.

Renjun start to walk past the bathroom. he hears a little noise but didn't think much of it until he hears his best friends name, Donghyuck. Renjun starts to pound of the bathroom door.

"bathrooms occupied!" Donghyuck shouts, Renjun rolls his eyes.

"I know you and y/n are in there making out!" Renjun shouts.

"how do you know? wait if I have a goat in here?!" Donghyuck says.

"why would you have a goat? and you makeout with y/n almost every week ding dong" Renjun huffs out, the bathroom door swings open to reveal you and Donghyuck.

"that's not true!" Donghyuck says as Renjun nods.

"it's definitely true" Renjun mutters.

"you are wrong!" Donghyuck bickered.

"want me to prove it?!" Renjun shouts as Donghyuck nods.

"Jeno!!!" Renjun rushed off, Donghyuck soon followed him leaving you alone in the bathroom.

"Jeno!!!" Renjun rushed off, Donghyuck soon followed him leaving you alone in the bathroom

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you and Donghyuck were in the kitchen making the fifth bag of popcorn. the first bag of popcorn Jisung and Chenle were playing with it out on the balcony. they were trying to throw popcorn in each other's mouth when a seagull attacked Jisung's hand due to the popcorn bag being in his hand. he screamed and dropped it down the balcony where it hit a car. the other popcorn bags were either devoured by the rest of the dreamies or accidentally spilled.

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