the ending ♡

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as everyone knows, i've been gone for awhile lol. i was working on my mental health the whole time so i didnt write much. another reason why I havent been writing is also because i have gotten into other groups and as much as I love nct, I sort of lost touch? I still really love them and enjoy their things but my attention has just been other groups as well so it made it difficult to write. like i had story ideas for other members from a different group because they fit well in it but then I would try to fit an nct member in it and it just doesnt feel the same because it wasnt the original idea. im not sure if that makes sense lol. 

I told my friend about this and she said maybe it would be a good idea to write a kpop imagine book. that way I could write about who I want and still have nct in it. I know this doesn't really appeal to you guys but I think it would be a good idea. 

^if you skipped all that, thats okay I dont expect you to read the whole thing lol. I just wanted to say a proper goodbye to this book because this has been such a wild ride. I'm really glad you all enjoyed this book. we went through happiness, hatred, sadness, and many more emotions together. plus all lot of you are so ridiculously funny, I love reading your comments. sometimes I re-read my chapters to look at the comments whenever im upset or just bored. it brings a lot of joy in me. 

I'm really happy that I got this chance to be able to have wonderful people read my short stories. it's honestly a blessing. I made myself happy because I enjoy writing and I made others happy as well and that brings me to feel happier. so thank you for reading this book, it truly means a lot. 

if i do make that kpop imagine book (which I think I will?) I hope you enjoy that one as well! if you don't plan on reading it, thats all good too. anyways, that's pretty much all I wanted to say. 

take care and see you next time!  

NCT IMAGINES BOOK is finally done :)

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