nct; texts

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sorry I've been gone for a while! I plan on being gone until next week too. schools ending this Friday so I've been doing a lot of school work so that's the reason why I haven't been updating yet!

good news, I plan on making that zombie book sometime very soon. I just can't think of a good name for the book. if you're wondering, y/n will still be y/n. a lot of you guys said some really good points so I'll be keeping it as y/n.

the only thing im slightly worried about is that it's a Zombie book so I feel like it'd get boring over time :/

there's been so many things happening lately, I really hope Donghyuck and Mark plus all of the boys aren't over working themselves. I also hope Jaehyun's okay especially with everything that's been going on. this also goes for Eunwoo, Jungkook and Mingyu. I hope everyone's okay to be honest.

anyways I hope all of you are having a wonderful day/night!


renjuns voice crack was on live


moonmins: it's way too early for this

gaemin: what's wrong?

jenoloveshiscats: I got a cat

jisungpwark: you got a cat?

jenoloveshiscats: okay two cats

chenlo: you got two kitty cats!

jenoloveshiscats: fine three cats

dingdonghyuck: you got three cats?

jenoloveshiscats: aren't you guys glad I didn't get the fourth cat?

moomins: there were four cats?

jenoloveshiscats: yeah and I got all four. sucks to suck

gaemin: why would taeyong get upset? he can't tell you what to do lmao

jenoloveshiscats: I used his credit card

dingdonghyuck: wheres your credit card?

jenoloveshiscats: Chenle took mine

moonmins: wheres Chenle's credit card?

chenlo: I gave mine to Jisung

gaemin: okay then wheres Jisung's credit card?

pwarkjisung: I lost mine, oh that reminds me. Chenle I lost yours too

chenlo: that's okay babe, I lost jeno's

jenoloveshiscats: YOU LOST MY CREDIT CARD?!


jenoloveshiscats: whatever it's not like I mad or anything

moonmins: oh how I wish we had vodka at the dorm


Jason Derulo

dingdonghyuck: aight so Jeno just got four cats

johnsbanana: Jeno got four cats?

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