✎ requests are closed !
this is not just an imagine book! I will be including reactions, MTL's, texts, fluff, and many more! you can tell me what you want and I'll try my best to give it to you.
- could be slow updates ?
- feel free to message me...
im going to start becoming more active! the problems that are happening in my life are starting to settle down which is making me have a lot of more free time so that's a plus! I can't wait to write out more stories for you guys!
remember to stay safe and take care of yourselves! I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! <3
"alright, so the reason why I called you guys all in for a meeting was because-"
"oh my god, you're getting married?!" Taeyong squeaks, you stare at him and slowly shook your head.
"no- anyways, it's because-"
"you're pregnant?!" Chenle screams, the others got off the couch to jump with joy.
"no!" you quickly shout trying your best to make them sit down again.
"it's because I just got a puppy. it's a boy and so I need some name suggestions" you grab a notebook and a pen to write down any names that you liked.
"Ooh~ alright" Jeno smiled, he was already thinking of names.
"how about Louis?" Ten suggested, you let out a little hum.
"our cat is named Louis!" Yangyang shoved him.
"ooh! how about leon?" mark shouted.
"noo, you should totally do lewis!" Jungwoo yelled in a soft tone.
"uhm, I hope you all do know that the name doesn't have to start with the letter L" you tell them.
"oh thank god, I was already running out of names" Jaemin exhaled loudly.
"how about naming it Mark? you know after me of course" Mark chuckled and put on a smudged smile.
"name it lucas!" Lucas screamed.
"no! name it donghyuck!" Donghyuck shoved lucas out of the way to her in front of you.
"when you think of the word baby, what song or lyric from one of our songs come into your mind?" Johnny asks.
"stop baby don't stop~" Chenle and Renjun started to sing.
"my baby don't like it when you come around~" Taeil, Doyoung and Donghyuck sung out.
"baby don't cry tonight~" Kun sang loudly.
"we sing that song?" Lucas looked at him surprised.
"that's not one of our songs" Jaehyun points out.
"who cares, it's a bop" Chenle squealed as he started to sing more.
"guys, come on. I need name suggestions!" you tried to yell out but you were just being drowned by the guys chatting nonstop.
"ooh~ can we go out to eat today?" Jisung asked, the other younger boys agreed with him.
"no, we have food here" Kun tells them which make them groan.
"what's wrong with my cooking?" Taeyong asked.
"nothings wrong with it! it's just that....you made curry for the fourth time this week and we would just like something else...heh" renjun scratched the back of his head.
"don't worry, I like your curry" Jaehyun flashed a smile at Taeyong which made him giggle.
"what color does purple and red make again?" Mark asked Johnny and Sicheng who sat next to him.
"I don't know" Sicheng shrugs.
"purple and red makes a color?" Johnny stared at him with his mouth shaped like a little 'o'.
"you don't know your primary colors?" Doyoung glances at Johnny.
"it's been awhile since I've gone to school" Johnny laughs, Doyoung rushes into his room. a loud ringing makes everyone stop what they're doing.
"who's phone is that?" xiaojun asks, everyone shrugs.
"it might be important, we have to find it" Kun started flipping the pillows around to find the phone. sooner or later, the whole living room was a complete mess and the phone has stopped ringing.
"oh hey! I found it!" Lucas held up the phone that was underneath the couch.
"who's phone is it?" Jisung asked trying to get a good look at the device in Lucas's hand.
"oh that's mine!" Donghyuck scrambles through the boys and basically crawled up lucas and snatched his phone.
"it's probably no one, I mean who calls hyuck anyways" Jaemin chuckles.
"it's from Irene! haha suckers, people do call me" Donghyuck stuck his tongue out at Jaemin who rolled his eyes. he instantly called her back, she picked up right away.
"oh donghyuck-"
"hiii" all of the boys shout.
"hi" irene spoke.
"everyone go away, she called me" Donghyuck pushed everyone back away from him.
"hi, did you need something? or did you want to take me somewhere or what not? like to a zoo or arcade?!" Donghyuck asked, Irene let out a little 'uhm'.
"not exactly...I just wanted to call and see if y/n was over there? she told us she would come over in a bit after she meets you" Irene says, Donghyuck whined.
"yeah yeah...she's right here..." the boys stare at the empty spot that you were supposed to be.
"oh never mind donghyuck, she's already here! have fun" with that Irene ends the call.
"where'd y/n go?" yangyang asked.
"didn't she need something from us?" Renjun says.
"probably....we can just ask her later" Jaehyun sighs. Doyoung comes out of his room with a poster board. he places it right in front of everyone.