nct dream ; reaction

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requested by @multi_blossom

nct dream
-when they fall on you

this really doesn't seem like a reaction so im really sorry to the person that requested this. and I also apologize for not getting this request up sooner because you requested this a long time ago :(


Renjun and you were currently in a dance studio practicing a dance that you two would be performing at a school showcase very soon. both of you were tired, sweaty and basically dying at this point. it also didn't help at the fact that Renjun had a major crush on you so he managed to make many slip ups because he was concentrating on you instead. it also didn't help that the dance involved touching hands and etc, making Renjun very nervous.

"are you ready to start practicing again?" you asked Renjun as he huffed out and nodded his head.

"if you're we could always end early, I don't want you to get worn out" you say as you helped him up. as much as Renjun wanted to end practice, he wanted to be able to dance with you more.

"no no, it's okay! the showcase is in a few weeks, the more practice the better right?" Renjun chuckled as he made his way to the middle.

"alright" you mutter as you quickly followed him. the both of you continued to practice. towards the end of the song, Renjun and you needed to get passed each other in order to be able to finish the dance. but the complicated part was that you two were in a position that it is kind of hard to get past each other. as you two tried to do it anyways, Renjun managed to step on your shoe which caused you to jerk back which made him topple on top of you.

"u-uhh renjun?" Renjun shockingly looked at you. his face slowly getting redder by the second. he had gotten super hot at that moment. like it suddenly turned 100 degrees inside the room. he noticed how close both of your bodies were which made him slightly panic for some odd reason.

"renjun....uhm could you..?" you start to say, Renjun quickly scrambled back onto his feet. you could see him getting flustered and his face getting redder than before.

"sorry I just uhh-" Renjun was loss of words. he awkwardly just scratched the back of his neck and looked down.

"don't worry, mistakes happen" you chuckle as you pat him on the back. he awkwardly nodded his head as he watched you walk away to grab your water bottle. a shy smile appears on Renjun's lips when he recalls on what just happened.


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"oooh~ look I see Jeno's crush!" Jaemin points out which caused the boys to look at the direction where you were at.

"you don't need to point!" Jeno scold as he pushed down Jaemin's arm.

"why don't you just ask her out?" Donghyuck asked.

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