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this is not just an imagine book! I will be including reactions, MTL's, texts, fluff, and many more! you can tell me what you want and I'll try my best to give it to you.
- could be slow updates ?
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"oh shit I forgot my calculator" Jaemin stared at the rest of you.
"Jeno did you do the homework?" you asked as you peeked at his sheet.
"nope" Jeno laid back.
"good me either" you gave him back his sheet.
"im here! im here!" Donghyuck rushed inside the classroom and ran to his seat.
"Donghyuck you're late, again!" the teacher scolded.
"yeah yeah at least im here" Donghyuck huffed out as he took his things out of his bag.
"Renjun could you come up and show the class you how you did the homework from yesterday? it's problem 8, you were the only one that got it right" the teacher smiled as she looked at the small boy in front of Chenle.
"sure" he mumbled and made his way to the board.
"yeah go renjun!" Jisung cheered.
"woo! that's our smartass!" you all cheered for him.
"would you all shut up?" Renjun shot you all glares.
"we just tryna be supportive man" Chenle folded his arms and pouted.
: art :
"what the hell is that supposed to be?" Renjun looked at Donghyuck's painting.
"it's supposed to be a chicken" Donghyuck says.
"that don't look like a chicken" you mumbled as you looked at his painting.
"well I think it does" Donghyuck muttered as he continued to paint.
"you know from this angle, it kind of looks like chenle sitting on a toilet" Jeno turned the picture to the side.
"it really does" Jaemin stared at it.
you were all focused on how Donghyuck's painting manage to look like Chenle was on the toilet instead of finishing your paintings which were due at the end of the class. let's just say that at the end of class you "pretended" to give it to the teacher so the next day, you all could say that you gave it to him but he lost it.
: history :
"I don't get why we need to go back to the past" Jisung grunted.
"that's just like saying you don't need to watch Barney" Chenle says.
"nothing nevermind" Chenle quickly says.
"Jeno what do you want to be when you grow up?" the teacher asked.
"anything but you" huge laughter echoed through the room.
"excuse me?" the teacher folded her hands.
"you're excused" Renjun muttered.
"damn ma why you so serious we just joking" Jaemin laughed as the teacher got even more furious.
"stop laughing this instant or else!" the teacher shouted.
"or else what?" Donghyuck smirked.
"detention for all of you" the teacher hands out a slip.
"god damn it you guys!" you shouted in frustration.
"jeno started all of this!" Chenle shouted.
"well Renjun just had to jump in!" Jeno argued back.
"I think it would've been better is Jaemin didn't say damn ma why you so serious!" Renju pointed at the pink haired Jaemin.
"it was a perfect time to say that!" Jaemin shouted back.
"peace im leaving" Donghyuck walked out the door.
"why can't we just have a normal day of school?" Jisung sighed.
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I don't know if I used this gif before lmao. also im going to a football game at my school today and the theme is apparently frat boys. like wut?