nct 127 ; reaction

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requested by @MicDropEraYoongi

nct 127
-when you get into a physical fight with someone in public

I hope this doesn't happened :/ and honestly this really sucked because I really don't think it is what the person who requested wanted but I was currently studying while writing these so im very sorry. im supposed to be sleeping but my sleeping schedule is so messed up right now due to the amount of stress I have and work I have to do. I know i have mistakes and I know I used the same gifs. im sorry y'all im just so tired that I just literally can't go back and do everything again and im trying so hard to concentrate on school work and such.

I still have more request that im trying to finish but I just wanted to say that I might be updating less due to exams, after exams I will hopefully be back if my schedule isn't so rushed. it's not just the exams, I am currently getting super busy at moment with lots of things! I hope you all understand and again im very sorry.



the two of you were at the zoo to enjoy your boyfriend's day off. you had your arms locked with taeil's as you both look at the animals there. taeil and you stopped by the little stand that sold toys. you two looked around the little stand and looked at the toys to see what you both wanted.

"here i'll buy us both pandas" taeil giggled while pulling out his wallet. taeil was in the middle of  paying when someone suddenly pushes into you. you apologized but the person pushed you again.

"could you move? im trying to get to taeil" the girl snapped at you. taeil quickly looked at the 'fan'.

"im sorry I--"

"move!" the fan shoved you harshly. you tried to get back to your boyfriend but instead she yanks your hair and shoved you away. that's when you started to push her lightly. she quickly gripped onto your hair and started pulling it. you started to fight back in order to break yourself free. taeil quickly stepped in before the fight could get any worse.

"hey stop!" taeil shouts and starts to separate you both. the fan quickly rushes off, taeil takes a look at you to make sure you werent bruised or bleeding.

"im kinda glad you fought her, she was rude" he mumbles as he looked around to see if the fan was still near.

"she was" you muttered.

"anyways come on, let's go finish looking at the animals!" taeil quickly pulled you.


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you and your boyfriend were walking around the city to enjoy his day off work. both of you were getting exhausted from all of the walking, so taeyong suggested that you'd both sit down at a little coffee shop near by. the two of you were making your way to the coffee shop that taeyong suggested to go to, but one person has caught your's and taeyong's eyes.

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