jeno ; imagine prt1

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I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I honestly feel really bad but overall I'm doing well. I finally made a chapter which is a good thing since I was being productive lol but not really since I wrote this during my online classes. yes it's another Jeno imagine.

anyways this is a LONG imagine  and when I mean long, I really mean it cause this is only part 1. there will be a part 2! I also don't think it's as good as I wanted it to be lmao so sorry about that. ive also been playing among us a lot  too :/

p.s this story is based on The K2 which is very good k-drama that I would recommend if you wanted to watch it :) but with different features and such

if you get confused about letters and the numbers (it's basically their agent name or whatever idk):
M2: Minjun
J4: Jeno
J3: Jaehoon

5,378 words

"I'm leaving" your father glanced up at you and then looked back at the ground to avoid your eye contact.

"will you be back later for dinner, Mr. Cha?" the house keeper, Mrs. Hae asked.

"no, I won't be back" he says before he starts to make his way towards the front door. you watched him as he was walking away, wishing he would stay instead. you end up getting blocked by one of your father's best guards, Chief Joo.

"I'll come back later to check up on you. Thank you" he bows down towards you before turning around to head outside where your father was probably already waiting in the car. a few more guards walked out of the house and then eventually it was just you and Mrs. Hae alone in the living room.

"Miss cha, what would you like to eat for dinner tonight?" she asked.

"if you're making it, it won't matter what you make, I'll eat it anyways" you smiled as you took her hand and squeezed it lightly.

"and you don't have to keep calling me Miss cha, I told you that you can just call me y/n" she smiles back at you and nods her head.

"I'll start cleaning" she spoke softly as she let go of your hand. you let out a loud sigh, feeling tired and already bored. it was only noon and you honestly weren't sure what to do now.

there isn't really anything fun this house and you can't really talk to anyone since most of the people here were just guards. you made your way towards the long big stairway and touched the cold railing. you slowly caressed the railing as you walked up the stairs. then you were greeted by the empty long hallway with white doors placed on each side of the wall. you headed down towards the end of the hallway to get to your bedroom. you pushed down the fake golden door handle which eventually made a click noise.

"aish" you grumbled as you shut the door quietly. you looked around your room, already dreading the long hours of doing basically nothing. you head over to your desk where a couple of pens and markers were scrambled, your laptop, and a few pictures of you, your mother, and even your father. you sat down in chair, your eyes just kept staring at the picture of your beautiful mother who was holding you next to her.

"how are you mom?" you whispered.

"that's good" you forced a smile acting like she was there with you.

"dad left again, did you know? he's not coming back tonight. I wonder why, he's been doing this ever since you've been gone. he's still not talking to me, he ignores my existence. I sometimes think I did something wrong to make him dislike me so much. but, I know he's just busy. I tell myself that he's just busy. he is busy right?" you asked.

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