requested by vettyeun
^shes a whole ass cutie. she deserves some love 😔💞
im sorry this is so short-736 words
—————————————————————jeno hears a car door shut loudly from the driveway. he turns his head to look at the front door. you stumbled inside, you tossed your keys onto the counter and kicked off your shoes.
"hello love" Jeno quickly got up from the couch and made his way to you. his hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you close towards him. he placed multiple kisses on your forehead making you let out a few giggles.
"you seem stressed again, what's wrong baby?" Jeno asked as he led you to the kitchen. you sat on a stool while Jeno fixed you a sandwich.
"I've been so stressed lately. I currently have three huge test that I have to take in a few weeks. plus a project and..." Jeno continued to make your sandwich. he carefully listened to you, making sure to catch every single detail. like he does every single day.
everyday you'd come home stressed and Jeno would either make you some food, or milkshakes. he'd listen to you rant about how stressful school is and how your head ached. he would let you talk for hours and hours.
"sorry jeno I've been complaining so much" you sighed realizing that your boyfriend is probably sick of you ranting.
"no no, keep going. I want to keep listening" Jeno smiled. you put the dish in the sink and headed to the living room. you were about to start ranting again when Jeno suddenly attacks you with a hug causing you to fall into the couch.
"woah jeno!" you laughed as Jeno placed kisses all over your face.
"I love you so much, you shouldn't be so stressed" Jeno mumbles as he still placed kisses everywhere.
"I have some fun things to do that'll help release your stress! or I think so? anyways I've noticed that you've been so stressed everyday, so I decided too...." Jeno quickly runs up the stairs leaving you alone clueless. soon enough he quickly rushes down the stairs with a box in his hands.
"what's that?" you asked, Jeno handed you the box.
"just a little something for my favorite person" Jeno chuckled.
"open it!" Jeno shrieked, you quickly place the box onto the coffee table. you slowly open the box to reveal a few face masks, a soft purple blanket, a bag of your favorite chips, a box of chocolates, and at the very bottom there were pictures of you and jeno together cuddling, kissing and just being goofy. you faced your boyfriend in awe.
"wait hang on" he quickly disappeared again. he comes back with a little box. he hands it over to you.
"open this one too!" he eagerly shouts, a happy smile is slapped right in his face. you opened it to reveal a necklace and a phone case. the necklace had a picture of you two together on that trip where you went to Canada for mark. the phone case was a picture of you and Jeno snuggling together that Johnny has taken of you two.
"babe, you're so sweet" your eyes start to tear, your emotions were crazy right now. Jeno took a hold of you. he used his hand to wipe your tears.
"anything for my princess" Jeno kissed your forehead.
"wanna bake cupcakes or something? I got the ingredients if you want" Jeno asks, you shook your head in denial. Jeno sighs. he picks you up and carries you upstairs to your shared bedroom. he placed you gently onto the bed. he grabs the tv remote and turns on your favorite tv show/ movie and gets in bed with you. he pulls you close to him. the both of you cuddled together.

✧ 𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✧
Fanfiction✎ requests are closed ! this is not just an imagine book! I will be including reactions, MTL's, texts, fluff, and many more! you can tell me what you want and I'll try my best to give it to you. - could be slow updates ? - feel free to message me...