nct dream ; reaction

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requested by @chloe112000

nct dream
-them reacting to their s/o being English



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renjun sat in the library and watched you as you talked to your new friend. he watched the two of you from two tables over, a few giggles could be heard from you which made him chuckle. he went back to study but the next words you said surprised him.

"yeah im from England" Renjun's head shot up.

"your from England?!" Renjun shockingly spoke causing you and your friends attention.

"uhh yeah" you giggled.

"woah! could you tell me how it's like? oooh! could you say a sentence?" Renjun rushes over to you. Renjun always wanted to go to England but doesn't have the money yet. so he was totally intrigued by you when you suddenly said that you were from England.



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you were studying for your English exam as Jeno laid in your bed watching his phone. as you read the text book, you were speaking out loudly which caught your boyfriend's attention. he was kinda surprised that you had an accent when you spoke English. he scrambled over to you as you read off the book.

"you have an accent?" jeno questioned as he sat on your desk.

"uhh yeah"

"jeno im from England" you say.

"really?!" he gasped.

"I told you this!"



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