Into Blue Memories

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The morning rays of sun filter in my room and I wake up, knowing there's still time before my alarm rings and I look at the clock. Ugh, it's too early, I really don't feel like getting up at the moment...

"Come on, sweety, your father is waiting for us."

Looking up at my mother, I frown. "Do we really have to? I don't want to come."

She sighs and crouches to meet my height. "We already talked about it, Nerys."

I lower my eyes, kicking the dirt. "I know, but... they hate us!"

Gently, she grabs my shoulders and I lift my gaze to meet her eyes. "It's only the father, her mother is quite lovely; and it's their daughter's birthday, you could make a new friend!" she smiles and I follow suit, albeit a little hesitant

"Fine... I hope they have hot chocolate," in all response my mother chuckles.

Getting up, I shut the alarm as it starts to vibrate, a groan leaves my lips as I stand from the bed then I go to the bathroom cleaning myself up. Once I'm done and I'm tying my hair in a ponytail, my eye falls on the silver bracelet with three snowflakes that I left on the sink and I smile thinking about one of my oldest memories.

I'm walking through a deserted corridor of this humongous mansion, blowing on the hot chocolate a kind butler made for me, when eventually I find a white haired girl sitting on the floor behind a column with her knees up to her chest, when realization dawns on me, I stop in front of her. "Hey, what are you doing here? Isn't this your party?"

She looks up, startled and then promptly looks away. "Yes, it is but... I hate it."

"Oh... do you want some hot chocolate?"

Eyeing the mug in my hands she asks, "Isn't it yours?"

I shrug my shoulders. "You're sad, I don't like sad people. They make me uncomfortable. Chocolate cheers me up. So do you want it?"

She looks at me suspiciously but then she blushes. "I... yes... thank you."

I give it to her, sitting next to her. "No biggie, feeling better?"

She sips it and smiles. "A little, thank you."

"Stop thanking me. Hey!" I sit up, "Do you want to make stories about the grown ups we see?"

"Uh... isn't it rude?"

I smirk and I reply, "It isn't, if they don't see us," she smiles as I stand, I help her up and then I run after her to the ballroom.

I start dressing for the day and when I start to button up my blue shirt I glance at a tie and remember a nice anecdote from a seemingly distant time. If I'm not mistaken, her sister should start the Academy around this time.

"No, you're doing it wrong."

I huff, my hands falling on my sides as I turn to face my best friend. "Oh, excuse me, my queen, for I never tied a tie."

She snorts and comes up to me and starts helping me while I watch attentively her moves. "Oh, shut up, Nerys. When you'll have to teach it to my brother you can't fumble with it. Here."

When she pulls the fabric one last time, securing the accessory around my neck, she keeps her hands on my chest and our eyes find their way to each other, she smiles and I feel the breath being punched out of me, then I notice how close our faces are and I blush. "... thanks."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now