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It's already a few weeks into the semester when I am informed of the Vytal festival taking place at the end of the second semester and thanks for that I know not to say anything to my students, I barely can manage Miss Rose on a normal day, I don't want to excite her with news of the Festival, but I am often seen in Glynda's lessons to the confusion of our students.

In one such occasion, I am watching over the duel between Mister Arc (I still have to forgive him for the coffee-incident on the first day of the semester) and Mister Winchester that proves to be a brute even in a duel.

In one such occasion, I am watching over the duel between Mister Arc (I still have to forgive him for the coffee-incident on the first day of the semester) and Mister Winchester that proves to be a brute even in a duel.

I wince as he kneels Arc in the guts and goes to finish him with his mace, but Glynda stops them and gives them a lesson on aura levels chiding Arc in the meanwhile, dismissing them after she informs them of the Vytal festival. I take this as my clue to walk down the steps to join team RWBY and JNPR since the others are already out of the classroom.

"Professor Mazarin!" Rose exclaims seeing me.

I smile and greet them, "How's it going?"

"Didn't you see? I got pummeled by Cardin and -"

Scoffing, I flick my tail to the blond's face, interrupting him effectively. "An easy victory for Mister Douchebag, indeed. So what can you do?" Everyone looks at me surprised and I ask, "What? You can't expect me to be kind with him after everything he does to us."

Weiss smirks, crossing her arms. "Well, it's the first time we hear you expressing such sentiment, so excuse us if we are surprised."

I chuckle while they shift their gaze to Weiss. "You know each other or...?" Xiao Long asks pointing at us.

She nods. "My mother took her and her mother in when her father died... She was my sister's best friend and, even if she had to be our maid, she is also a... friend."

I smile concealing the sadness, and nod at their questioning looks. "Well... my father died and my mother had to disappear because of- you could say- the animosity between Atlas' nobility and businesses and faunus like us. But our mothers were friends."

"So you worked for the Snow Angel here?" Arc asks and I wince at the glare Weiss throws him.

"Well, yes, but I didn't do much when her father wasn't around." I wink at the Heiress and she almost giggles.

"So! You are a champion of the Vytal festival, can you tell us more?" Rose asks excitedly.

"I could, but I would like it to be sitting down and not starving. I can talk about it tomorrow in my lesson, alright? I would love to do favoritism but I don't want trouble with the higher ups."

They chuckle and then Nikos asks, "Professor, will you help us prepare for the tournament?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Why not? It would be fun."

Xiao Long and Rose high five each other while the others cheer, I look at the hour and tell them, "Alright, time to eat. Go have lunch." At this they almost run out of the room, only Weiss stays behind with me with a strange look in her eyes.

"Is everything ok? You seemed a little... sad when I was explaining our past. Shouldn't I have said it?"

I pat her head. "I'm fine, don't worry, Princess."

She glares at me halfheartedly but then she smiles. "Are we still on for Friday?"

"Of course, we have to catch up on our weekly hot chocolate tradition."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now