The School Trip to Jaune's Manhood

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With a smile, I wake up jumping on my feet to go change quickly in a white button up and a pair of black slacks, I let my tail curl around my waist while I take my swords; when I finish washing my face in the en-suite bathroom and brushing my hair, I go to the cafeteria to eat something before the trip.

Once I'm done with my breakfast, I go join Glynda at the doors of the school, offering her a mug of coffee and she accepts it. "Thank you"

"You're welcome."

She sips it and then watches the first students arrive. "These first years will be the death of me."

Chuckling, I reply, "Oh, come on, they will grow on you."

She glances at me with a raised eyebrow. "Like mister Winchester to you?" I frown and she mumbles, "Knew it."

"Excuse me if I don't particularly like little bullies," I grumble, crossing my arms with a pout.

"And yet, you love the Heiress."

"Her name's Weiss and you know my reasons."

She nods. "I do indeed." She finishes the coffee before the first group approaches us, I recognise them as team JNPR so I wave at them and Valkyrie almost falls from Lie's back to wave back at me, but Arc and Nikos rush to keep her balanced, nodding at us while they walk by.

I chuckle and then I turn to look at Glynda. "These are precious." She just sighs, exasperated.

"Hello professors." Turning around, I smile at Weiss as she leades team RWBY to the airship.

"Good morning team RWBY! Go take your place in the bullethead, we are about to go." Immediately Rose perks up and grabs Weiss and drags her inside while Belladonna and Xiao Long shake their heads at their leader's behavior, joining team JNPR up ahead, after a few minutes the rest of the class comes out.

"We are ready, let's go Nerys. Be on your best behaviour." I follow the blonde grinning.

Once we are walking through the forest with the students trailing behind us, admiring the surroundings, Glynda tells them, "Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we're not here to sight-see. Professor Peach's asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside the forest. And we're here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

I nod glancing at the back of the group, we turn around stopping the group and I notice Jaune bumping into Winchester. I sigh at the glare the bully gives him, but Glynda looks at me and I clear my throat before saying, "Each of you has to gather one jar's worth of red sap." I show a sample. "However, this Forest is full of creatures of Grimm so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous here at four o'clock. Have fun!" I smile as they start to branch out, I look at Glynda and since I'm bored I ask, "So, wanna make out?".

(Weiss' point of view)

A sharp smack resounds in the forest and, turning around, I see a laughing Nerys while professor Goodwitch is rubbing her temples with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Is professor Mazarin flirting with Goodwitch?" Yang asks, surprised. I frown as I follow her with my eyes and— indeed it seems like Nerys is annoying the professor by following her around and talking with her even though Goodwitch is having none of it.

"I like professor Mazarin," Ruby states as she passes me her jar while I give her mine to fill.

"I heard she is a favorite of the students. We are lucky to not have Port, it seems he likes to talk about how great he was in his youth and he doesn't give much explicit details on how to fight a Grimm," Blake adds.

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