Not Enough

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Author's Note: I would like to think that the song says what is going in Winter's head, I can see the fight reading the second verse.
Obviously not everything fits with their situation, but the major parts do. It's complicated, but I stand for what I said.

I reach the courtyard and a crowd has formed around someone, a few robots are destroyed and I feel a little satisfaction blossoming in my chest, but then I hear a drunken voice. "Right, listen to big sister, Weiss, she will protect you just like Atlas is gonna protect all of us, huh?"

Then a painfully familiar voice growls out, "If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you!"

"Alright then, come take it."

I hear the familiar sound of a sword detaching from a magnetic belt. Of course he taunts her. I turn to my right and I see the Specialist preparing to jump on the ever-drunk hunter. I frown as she uses her glyph to propel herself forward, immediately I use my aura to jump to Qrow and I punch him in the face to push him away as I unsheath my sword to deflect hers.

She freezes looking surprised in my glaring eyes and for a moment I am lost in her blue eyes. Damnit, she's still as beautiful as I remembered her.

We snap out of it when I hear a groan, I turn around to glare at Qrow and I ask, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Taunting her to have the higher moral ground?" I face Winter and with a colder tone I say, "And you..." she stands straight and I sigh. "I don't know how you manage to disappoint me even after three years." that surprises her and she deflates a little.

"Why, hello, Kitten. Are you the welcoming party? Shouldn't you be more gentle with your guests?" he asks.

I grab him by the front of his clothes and I pull him to my face. "Say something else and your own sword will find a place in your throat. I still haven't forgiven you." I push him back, I look around and I see the Atlasian students standing rigid, the Beacon ones are curious, the Mistralians are scared while the Vacuoan are placing bets. "Everyone, there is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the colosseum that I can assure you it has better seats and popcorn. Now scatter." they run or walk away with minimal grumbling, the only two that are approaching us are Rose and Weiss. "Let's go to Ozpin." I turn around and I start walking.

"Nerys?" I hear Weiss, I sigh and I let her catch up, she looks at us and she asks, "What's going on? And why do you know... him?"

Rubbing my temples, I tell her, "Right now we have to go to Ozpin, I'll explain later, okay?" She nods, unhappy, but she recognizes that it's not the time. I rub her shoulder as I walk past her and I check on Qrow, he's talking to Ruby and it makes me frown. "Qrow!" he jumps and I tell him, "You both have to come." he sighs telling something to my student and eventually he catches up.

"So, how are you two doing?" he asks, he reeks of alcohol and it makes me shy away from him, closer to Winter.

"Don't even bother and it's not like you ever cared," I reply.

"Oh, come on. I didn't know that the Ice Queen was taken." he smirks and I am tempted to punch him again.

"It's Specialist Schnee," she interjects, glaring at him.

"Whatever." he takes his flask and takes a sip.

I stay between them, silently counting to ten thousand backwards and ignoring their bickering. Brothers, kill me now, what did I do to you?

We get in Ozpin's office and I sigh relieved as I walk to Glynda, I lean on her and I whisper, "Tell me you have some alcohol in here."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now