Chapter 6

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Months have come and gone, they are starting the preparation for the Vytal Festival and I can feel the excitement from my students, especially Weiss who almost buzzes in her seat in these last lessons. At least the students are as levelhead as possible in our practices to prepare them for the Tournament and I am proud of Arc who is getting better at fighting.

Before they run out of my class, to go to the city, I stop my protégé's team. "Halt!" they turn to look at me while their classmates run out. Team JNPR looks at us and I say, "it's nothing bad, you may wait for them outside."

They leave us and I look at the four girls, Xiao Long is the one to break the ice. "Is something wrong, prof?"

"Yes and no. There have been some disorders in the city, so watch out." I glance at Weiss as they nod. "and also... Why are you in such a hurry? It's only the Vytal Festival."

Weiss scoffs and replies, "Easy for you to say, Former Champion! But this year, WE are going to partake and we intend to win it!"

I chuckle shaking my head and I say, "Just... have fun, Mausi. "

She blushes but she smiles. "Would you like to come with us, Professor?" she gets even redder at her teammates' smirks and it makes my heart melt.

I shake my head, again, and while I gather my things I tell her, "No, thank you. You should spend time with your team, BUT..." they stop and I smile walking up to the Heiress. "I've gotten you something, maybe you could pick it up and share it with your friends."

"Why did you... Is it your birthday, Weiss?!" Rose asks.

Weiss shakes vehemently her head. "No."

"I am just catching up with the ones I lost... Also, it's close to the end of the second semester." Rose goes to ask something else but Weiss glares at both of us.

Before I can add something else she asks, "Where do I have to go?"

"It's a pastry shop on the way to the docks—"

"I think I know which one." Rose interjects with a smile, Weiss nods and then I let them go, I follow them out of the class but when they go to their room to change I feel my scroll vibrating. I frown picking the device and I feel myself freeze at the name, then I feel a familiar anger sparking inside me, I start my way to my place and I read her text

Ice Queen: [Stay away from her.]

I clench my jaws so I decide to wait to reply, otherwise I might just make a scene outside where anyone can see me.

I close the door behind me and I answer

Me: [Hello to you too.]

I turn off the scroll and I start preparing a calming tea, after I put the water to boil she answers

Ice Queen: [I'm serious, leave her alone.]

Me: [Give me one good reason]

Ice Queen: [Father is always watching. What do you think he will do when he hears that a former conspirator hangs around the Heiress, again?]

I feel my jaws hurting so I take a few deep breaths before I focus back on her

Me: [Noted, I'll tell Weiss when she comes back from the city]

Ice Queen: [Nerys, please. My sister can't know or else she will do something rushed and it will be the end of your relationship.]

I scoff and I can't help but reply

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now