It's Time to Cut the Rope and Fly

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When we reach the school grounds I see a few ships and people boarding them, Port and Oobleck are controlling the evacuation, but what catches my eye are a few familiar students crouched or lying on the ground.

I look at Winter and I tell her, "I'll find someone to treat my leg and get Beau to you, we can't have anyone seeing your summon. You start the ship." she wants to protest but she relents telling me where to find her, she lets her Beowulf set Beau gently on the ground and then she walks away. I look up and I call Port.

He jumps surprised but then he rushes to me. "Nerys! What happened to you?"

I wince as he hugs my side to keep me upright. "I was too cocky... I need some help with my leg and getting him to an airship."

He nods glancing briefly to my fallen friend and he helps me walk to a few paramedics while I tell him where to take Beau.

As they treat my leg I see Zoie walking up to me, with tense shoulders and looking away. Once she reaches me she looks down. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier to her. And for leaving you behind."

I wave her off and I mumble, "I get it. Just... maybe don't insult our lift to Solitas while she's piloting."

She looks confused and she asks, "What?"

"She has an airship ready to take us back to Solitas." she nods, sadly.

The paramedic finishes treating the wounds on my face and then they give me a crutch. "So, where to, now?"

I look back at where I saw half of team JNPR and I say, "I'm going to say bye to a few students and see if they have news on Weiss. Wanna come with me?"

She nods and together we walk to them.

Just as I reach them I stop looking shocked at Yang and Blake's state, I face Ren and Nora and I ask, "Where is Weiss? And Ruby?"

The ginger sighs and answers, "They went to the tower..."

I turn around so quickly that only because of Zoie I don't fall on my knees, I look up and I feel all my blood freeze. "No... no no no."

"Hey, hey, look at me." my friend turns my head to make me look in her eyes. "She's probably fine. They are fine. You trained them and you are a great fighter..."

I push her back and I raise my voice. "Your husband-to-be is dead because of me!"

She flinches but then she sighs. "Listen, now is not the time to place blame on anyone, alright? You said so. We- we aren't in the condition to do anything."

"I can't leave her!" I shout.

"Alright, then the other one will wait for us to come back. Just, take a few deep breaths, please," she begs, I nod grasping her forearm tighter and I pull myself together, or I try to.

Then we face the kids and I ask, "Where are Jaune and Pyrrha?"

They look at each other, uncertainity written all over their faces, and Nora says, "Ruby and Weiss went after Pyrrha. Jaune we are not really sure." I wince as I crutch my way to the saddened ginger, I fall on my butt and I hug her, comforting her at the best of my capabilities.

After a minute or two I see Blake moving. "Blake?"

The girl looks up and she frowns. "Professor? What happened to you?"

"I should ask you the same."

She looks at Yang and she jerks away. "No..."

She moves away but I force myself to use my Semblance on her. "Don't you dare flee." I growl, she starts trashing but it's even weaker than I am. "Blake, she watched too many people leave her behind. How would you feel if you inverted places?"

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