Chapter 5

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It's Friday, I cleaned the mess that is my apartment and once the clock strikes 6 p.m. I hear some noise outside, then some knocks. I check myself while I walk to the door, hearing some harsh whispering from outside, and with a smile I open it just to freeze taking in the scene.

Xiao Long and Rose are fighting over a plate of cookies and Belladonna is trying to help her partner, while Weiss is rubbing her temples in front of me and eventually she looks up. "Please, let us in before they make a fool of ourselves."

They stop what they are doing, looking sheepishly at me, and I step aside letting them in. "Welcome, team RWBY, my home is yours this evening." They greet me and I point to the coffee table in the living room to leave the cookies.

"How was your day, Nerys?" Weiss asks me as she takes off her bolero and hangs it next to the door, the girls are a little surprised by her nonchalance and it doesn't evade me the longing look Rose has given to my Princess' back, she may be mostly petite, but even I can see how many hours she has spent training.

Chuckling in the inside, I answer, "It was good, what about you girls? Follow me, I'll prepare our drinks."

"Well, we had some problems with Cardin, and Ruby almost got in detention, again, but we avoided it in time thanks to Yang, surprisingly," Belladonna answers me.

I frown while I start preparing the hot choco. "Why? What happened? And what do you mean with 'again'?"

The sisters exchange a look and Xiao Long answers, "He wanted to start a fight, Ruby may be awesome with a scythe but not so much with only her fists and maybe that is for the better."

I nod and I give my back to them. "For now, sure, but maybe you should start teaching her something, you know... in case something happens."

"Yeah, I really should, and transform those little sticks in amazing guns like mine."

I don't even turn around to see if she is flexing her arms, Weiss's scoff is enough of an anwer. "I didn't ask, I hope you are alright with hot chocolate."

"More than that, it's amazing!" Rose exclaims, I look at her in the eyes and she stops suddenly.

Pointing an accusing finger at her I say, "You still have to tell me what you did to get detention. No professor told me anything."

She chuckles nervously under my scrutinous gaze so she explains, "I may have attacked Cardin once and landed all of us in detention... " She turns serious and mumbles, "But he was making fun of Weiss' scar..."

Aww... I smile at her and I pat her head. "Fine, you are in the clear. But remember, I don't want hooligans near my princess."

"Nerys!" Weiss hisses at me, I chuckle before I start chatting with them, well, with the sisters mostly, Belladonna is still a little weary.

Once we move into the living room with our mugs, I take a seat on the only armchair while the others share the couch. "So, Weiss didn't tell us much about your past, professor," Xiao Long states.

"You were wondering why I left the Heiress?" After a moment they nod, and I sigh. "Her father was never fond of me, and I of him. But her mother was a dear friend of my mom, so when my dad was killed we spent two years in their mansion, since I got to be friends with her sister..." I smile wistfully before I return sad. "but eventually my mother had to go away." Belladonna perks up and she peeks curiously at me.

After she swallows a cookie, Rose asks, "Why?"

"You see, my father was killed by the White Fang," I see Belladonna tensing up. "or at least, that's what they wanted me to believe. But I know better, someone sent a hitman and I have an idea as to who and, while the murderer was indeed part of the White Fang, it didn't add up. As I studied, I found out that they were still peaceful in their protests during my father's assassination. I was pretty clueless about everything at the time but my mother was looking for proof and I believe she found something pretty condemning, but she didn't have the time to see what was that and to share it. She told me right before she ran from home." I take a sip of the drink and then I continue, "I was pretty sad but with Weiss' birth I had things to occupy my mind." I smile at the white haired girl as she glares at the cooing sisters.

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