Chapter 8

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It's the dawn of a new day, and I already hate it. Too many Atlasian ships soaring the skies, I have a bad feeling about them.

After I'm done preparing for the day I am surprised to see a text from Glynda calling me to Ozpin's office, I hear the nth ship passing too close to my building and I frown walking out the door.

When I get in the office I hear the blonde saying, "Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

"Well, running an academy and an army makes him a busy man..."

"And it will be his downfall, why did he come with... those?" I ask walking up to them and glaring at the ships.

"Ah, yes, those are a bit of an eyesore." Ozpin replies noticing what I'm looking at, I glance at Glynda and she's as unhappy as I am even before we hear the beeping noise coming from the desk. "Come in," Ozpin says, the doors open and Ironwood walks in greeting the Headmaster like an old friend, Glynda goes to greet him somewhat civilly, but I simply stay on the other side of Ozpin.

Ironwood sees me and asks, "Do I know you?"

Ozpin smiles and answers, "I believe so, Nerys was your dear Champion for an edition of the Vytal Festival."

The General seems surprised and after a beat he smiles. "It's good to see you again, you've changed so much from your academy days."

I glare at him. "Just enough to not recognize me when I am falsely accused of conspiration?" his smile falters and I almost smirk at this small victory.

Glynda waves at me and we both excuse ourselves, as we board the elevator she tells me, "I never needed a drink more than now."

I nod. "Seconded. First round on me?"

She accepts saying, "But tonight; I have work to do at the moment. I'm sure you do too." I raise an eyebrow and she sighs. "I don't know why I even bother."

I smile, then I ask her, "Did you call me up to see Ironwood?"

"It was to make it known that he has to watch his every move." I smirk, approving of her power move.

When we step out of the elevator, she goes to her office while I go to the library to search for a book.

I am browsing when I hear someone shouting, "NOOOOOOOO, MY FEARLESS SOLDIERS!"

I frown as I follow the noise, I hear more loud talking when there's a whine, "I hate this game of emotions we play!"

I stop in my tracks as I see Rose jumping on the lap of a crying Weiss. "Stay strong, Weiss, we'll make it through this together!"

"Shut up! Don't touch me!" Weiss replies, hugging her tighter, I look at the scene unfolding in front of my eyes and I don't know if I should intervene or not, but eventually Wukong and a blue haired boy approach them so I step up.

The blue haired boy asks "Uh... aren't libraries for reading?"

From a close table Lie exclaims, "Thank you!"

Wukong snorts and replies, "Shut up, don't be a nerd—"

"Mister Wukong, if you are not interested in following libraries' rules then I suggest you get out," I growl from behind him, they jump surprised and everyone looks at me. "Professor!"

I sigh rubbing my temples and I say, "Really Weiss? In a library?"

The Heiress blushes and replies, "They insisted..."

To Fix Broken Hearts (Winter Schnee x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now